My advice would be to look for the school that is well known for producing graduates that are exceptional in the area they studied in. Also look for a school where students are diligent workers. Keep in mind that you are paying for an education, not a social life. It is important, however, to find a school that has extracurricular activities that fit your hobbies, interests, and activities.
Dear friend,
Know what you are passionate about studying, not based on what other people say or think. If it is a vocation that you could see yourself still enjoying in ten years down the road, GO FOR IT!! Visiting some of your top college choices is a great idea, since it gives you a taste of campus life. Just remember, time spent learning is never wasted time.
P.S. And don't let lack of finances keep you from college- seek out scholarships, grants, and loans (which should be the last option, not the first :-).
Study really hard, and highschool is really just busy work, but do it and you'll be really prepared for college.
First of all, take the location into consideration, for if one wants to get away from home, that will play a large factor into ones college experince. Next, is the major that one desires for the field in which direction they feel that their life is going towards. Finally, look into finacial aid, as the parent and what kind of support or scholarship that one can receive.
When determining which college you should attend, visiting each is very important. Make a list of the schools you're interested in, then try to arrange a campus visit with the admissions counsellors at each one. When you visit a school, you can feel right away whether the atmosphere is positive or negative, by the way students and faculty look, act, and interact. Everyone may be smiling at each other and talking together, or they may seem morose and cliquish. First impressions at a school are often correct!
Once you've chosen a school and been accepted, it's important to start thinking about housing. Having been a commuter for two years, I know it is difficult to get a complete campus life experience. I suggest living on campus, as I am doing now, and getting to know all the people on your hall! Even if you don't know someone very well, take the opportunity to hang out a make friends you would not have otherwise sought out. Who knows, they may turn out to be your best friend for life!
I would say find a place you know you can fall in love with. Get into some school activities while vistiting, and sit in some classes that you might want to take in the future to see if you like the professors. The key to loving college is to study hard and stay on top of your studies, but also know when is a good time to have fun with friends.
Make sure you really look at the college and find out from students about how good or how bad the school is!!!
There are so many things I could say to parents and or students about finding the right college and making the most out of it. I was the first person to go off to a college in my family. I used ALL of my resources from high school and the interent to find out what kind of college fit me. At first I only looked at State Universities because I wanted to be affiliated with that kind of college group. But then I realized that it wasn't the name of the college that was important to me. It was about my field of study and my learning type. I then looked into smaller schools that offered courses in what I was actually interested in. From there, I actually visited different types of schools to get a feeling of them. I went to classes, asked questions about the school and what they stood for, and tried to see myself actually going to that school. Some schools were better than others, but when you find the right atmosphere, you know. When I found my school, I just let life and God guide me. It's been the perfect match for me!
Go with your gut--don't let money make your decision and dive in!