I wish I had known exactly what I was getting into when I igned up as a music major. I feel that was explained to me very well. But I got it figuedout.
I wish I would have known that it is okay not to sign up for everything and try to do to much. I came into school thinking I was going to be super involved but there isn't enought time for that. Balance your time wisely but don't forget to have fun. Get involved from the beginning, but don't over involve yourself so that you are crammed for time. Also, I wish I would have saved more money!
College is extremely different from high school. You are now entirely on your own and your parents don't make every decision for you anymore. And you are responsible for keeping your grades up, your parents won't let you know when you are failing. Everything is now on your shoulders, and you hold the key to your future.
I wish I had known what I was going to choose as my major before I got here, so then I would not have gotten behind.
One thing that I wish I had known before I came to this school is that we are kind of out a little bit from town so it is hard to find rides sometimes but it is possible! I also wish I would have known how tough the courses are. Sometimes, it is hard to manage your time but it becomes easier the more time goes on.
Before coming to Corban, I wish I would have known that I was going to have to eat cafeteria food for two years so that I could have mentally prepared myself for the interesting creations that I would be consuming. From blueberry chicken to tofu stirfry, Amark (the endearing term given to the dining hall by students) has served it all. The only thing you can count on being consistently delicious is the dessert.
I wish I had known about all the fun activities that I would need to have random articles of clothing and toys for. I came to college with only the essentials and about halfway through the semester I found myself wishing I had some of the fun things I left back home (costumes, roller blades...). It is amazing what things you will use while living in a dorm! When packing, make sure you have all the things you need, but save some room for those fun little items that bring joy to your life!
I have actually grown up in and around this school for the entirety of my growing up years so I had a pretty large grasp of the campus and what should be expected as a fulltime student. I do wish though that I had been more properly prepared in the issues of homework and socializing.