Covenant College Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


How difficult it is to prioritize my time.


I wish I had known that everything I do in class will come back in the future, i.e. bad grades, failed assignments, etc.


I wish i would have tried for more scholarships, at covenant and elsewhere. there are many scholarships avaliable, and the cost is alot, but covenant does offer much assistance. I wish i would have known about the rock climbing and caving nearby.


That it was so small.


I wish I had known more about the school's reformed background. I didn't come from a Presbyterian home, so I didn't know much about Presbyterianism or people of the Reformed faith, but I learned so much and don't regret anything from my time there.


I wish I'd been more socialized in general. Too bad I was homeschooled K-12.


I wish I had known how undiverse it was. I wish I had known that the school was 'Reformed' and conservative with mainly middle to upper-middle class students who don't realize the world is more than just what they have been exposed to in their Reformed churches in the burbs.


that going to school so close to home (2 miles) would be a very difficult thing for me.