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What are the academics like at Creighton University?


Studying is a must. The classes are challenging but managable if you study. There are a lot of core requirements that everyone has to take, and they may seem pointless but it's always good to have a diverse academic background before getting into the things you really want to study.


There is every kind of professor at Creighton, some know your name on the first day of class and some will never recognize you again. There is also every kind of student at Creighton, some that study for hours every day and others that do major homework assignments two hours before they're due. It seems like there are a lot of core classes, and your grades for them are almost entirely dependent on which professor you have for the class. However, this situations is probably not unique to Creighton.


Concerning academics I feel that the professors know your names. My favorite class was EXS 240: Designing your own personal fitness program, because I was able to design a fitness program that I would be ableto follow. Class participation for the most part does occur. Many Creighton students have intellectual conversations outside of class. Students at Creighton are both non-competitive and competitive. The education at Creighton is geared towards helping you get a job immediately after college. The academic requirements at Creighton may be a little much, because there is a giant core that we have to follow in the Arts and Sciences College


I'm in nursing school, so you know all of your professors very well. It is really hard though and requires a lot of studying. It's not unusual that about 3 people fail out each semester. Nursing school does seem very competitive, more so than the other schools. However, a degree from Creighton Nursing does stand out. I have spent time with professors outside of class, mainly because I was in different leadership roles. Extremely nice and willing to help. The Nursing School is also a direct entry program, which is probably what set me on Creighton to begin with. I came in Freshman year into the nursing school instead of doing undergrad requirements and then applying my sophomore year with the chance of maybe not getting in right away. Another thing is that unlike some other schools, Creighton requires a lot of theology and philosophy classes... however, I see that as a good thing.


I LOVE Creighton's academics. Aside from the few overly zealous religious fanatics, Creighton's professors are on top of their game. The professors know their subject and provide rigorous courses that are well suited to serious students. This is really the only reason I haven't dropped out.


With the exception of Biology/pre-med majors (which seems to constitute about 70{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of campus...), students spend an average amount of time studying. However, the focus unfortunately seems to be solely on grades. Students are driven to the perfect 4.0/whatever their desired goal is, and the actual process of learning doesn't seem to matter to many (though, of course, this is certainly not true for all students). There are not intellectual conversations outside of classes - many students go to class, do the homework, get the grade, and do not care for much else. If you seek a college experience where learning is the center, Creighton can actually be rather stifling. Along with these, many classes do not challenge students and let them slip by with their all important 'A.' Where;s the learning for the sake of learning? Where's the application of knowledge to daily life? Where's the desire to reach out to the community and world to create an impact? Where's the desire to step outside of one's Catholic background and experience other faiths? There is much more to learning than grades.


As long as you go to class, your professors will definitely know your name. The classes are usually around 30. The science classes are a little bit fuller because a lot of students want to be doctors. There are also a lot of classes that are smaller (I had 2 classes this semester under 5 people). The professors give out their home phone numbers, and in a lot of cases their cell phone numbers. The only real downside is the large core requirement. There are a lot of classes that you are required to take, and there are a lot of "theology" classes that are required. Most of the time these classes aren't that bad, but there are a very few number of professors who are assholes. As for the core in general, they do help in the long run. Everyone at Creighton gets a pretty rounded education.


classes are very difficult, but really worth while. students don't skip class here. you can't, your teachers will notice. and you'll fall way behind. everyone at creighton was one of the "smart kids" in high school, so its interesting to see how personalities fit in together. i'm very excited about the fact that, within my major, i'm 96{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} sure that i'll have a job lined up before graduation. most schools can't boast facts like that.


There's a lot I could say about the academics. I already said that all my teachers last semester knew my name. My hands down favorite class was a theology class I took last summer. It was in El Salvador; there was a group of about 17 of us who traveled down there to live in a super small, really poor village with host families. We learned what the role of the Catholic Churh was in the civil war which ended about 15 years ago. It was amazing. There are a lot of travel courses over the summer, like ones to Mexico, England, Ireland, Spain, El Salvador. I think those are the best courses to take. One thing to note is the Core requirements at Creighton. There's kind of a lot, almost 80 credit hours. But I really think it is a good thing, I changed my major like three times over the years I've been here but I'm still going to graduate on time, and that's cuz I took a lot of core classes my first two years. The classes are normally small, the avg. class size is 23 (I know this cuz I'm a tour guide and a lot of people ask). I've had classes as small as like 15, up to about 60-70. It's really up to the professor if they require participation, but a lot of them do, it can count up to like 15{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of your grade. I could say more... but I'll save you the trouble of reading it all :-]


Academics at Creighton come first for most people. Students are serious about their studies, and work very hard. Classes differ across departments - in the humanities, classes are smaller, more class discussions take place, and professors are easier to approach. In science and other lecture classes, size is bigger and the you must take the initiative to talk to the professor. Overall, professors are very willing to talk to you about problems or questions and care about you doing well in the courses. However, you must show the desire and motivation to work hard - they are not going to spoon-feed you if you don't care about your work. Students are very vocal and opinionated, but also respectful and willing to listen to other views. They care about issues and are passionate, and work to enact change. The nursing department is like a little family. My academic advisor was absolutely amazing. She cared about more than my classes and worked with me a LOT when I was thinking about changing my major. The RSP program was a little annoying at the time, but looking back, I realize it helped a lot in my transition to college and was a good starting block and foundation for my major. Because many students are looking towards professional school, education is definitely geared towards getting a job. Nursing graduates are at the top of their field and find great jobs very easily.