The number one advice I would give to parents and students is, to decide what major you are thinking or are interested in. With that in mind, you will be able to find out what college will best suit your interests. Once your colleges are narrowed down to the major of your liking, interests like the size of classes (or the overall college itself) can then be used to distinguish some colleges. Lastly would be more specific personal interests (religion, art, writing, etc.) which should aide you in the right college. For example, Creighton is a Jesuit college and specializes not only in Business and Health Professions, but they also specialize in courses such as Theology. Many students are strongly religious, so wanting to be a Pre-med major and having a background that includes Catholicism would mean that Creighton may be one of the top choices. Also, other students will also have these interests in mind and befriending them may prove easier than expected. With the right major and new friends to help you along the way, the college experience is sure to a memorable one.
You need to visit the campus before you agree to attend a college. You should also take classes during the summer. Don't get lazy. Procrastination is not helpful and hurts you more in the end. You need to take a full course load until you are a senior. Live on campus or at a Greek Organization House. It is better for social interactions.
Consider if your student is ready to go to college. I am in favor of more students taking a year or two to work, to travel, or to participate in a service learning opportunity that will allow them time for some introspection. Graduting college with a huge amount of debt and no job prospects is a situation too many students are headed towards. Visit campuses. Figure out if what you are interested in pursuing in school will open many doors or channel you down a narrow path. Try to find a professional in the field who will let you shadow them for a week or two. Most of all, students and parents should keep in mind that people in America today are still working full or part time into their 70's. Choosing the career you will have for 50 years as the age of 18 or 20 is intimidating. If doors open up, walk through them. Make the most out of the time when you have to be only responsible for yourself... before there are spouses and kids and mortgages. See some of the world before you settle into the cubicle.
Find something that fits you.
Unless you are planning on doing some kind of pre-professional program or you have an exorbitant amount of money to spend on tuition, Creighton is probably not worth the private college price tag. If you do end up at Creighton, the best way to make the most of your college experience is to get involved early by attending the involvement fair. Use your freshman year to build a social network, but don't forget to spend adequate time on your studies. As you get up into the upper level courses you'll find that studying will take up increasing amounts of your time. Anticipate this change and adjust your life accordingly. Your grades are important, but as any pre-professional student should know, what you learn and the knowledge you retain is of much greater importance than any GPA. Last but not least - work hard, but don't stress. Have fun, you only get one college experience so make the most of it.
Choose a college based on what courses are offered. Just because the price tag is higher doesn't mean that there is more quality education. Most state schools are just as good as private schools.
Don't waste your money on in expensive school if you aren't planning on taking your education seriously, giving it your all, and working your butt off. Make sure you pick a college that has a wide variety of majors, including the one you think is for you. Pick a college that has a lot of activities available and good resouces for students. Always, always, always visit a campus and stay overnight before choosing to go there.
There is not "one" right college out there for you or your student, so don't think that if you don't pick the one right college for you, that you will be unhappy for the next four years. There are many colleges that would be good or even great places for you to attend. Knowing this can take some of the stress off of your college search. If you can not afford the college that you have your heart set on, and the scholarships don't cover the costs, then think long and hard before you take out loans. Many college graduates with heavy debt loads struggle for years to repay those loans. In the long run, you might get a better education and have a better economic position when you graduate if you choose a college that you can afford.
Avoid the traps of alcohol that care present on many campuses.
Do your research. When I picked my college it was solely based on financial need. If I was looking for a college that would allow me the full experience that i was expecting I'm sure that this would not have been the one selected. Look into the main reason for attending and make sure that the college considered first fits those needs. Then check for all secondary opportunities that the college may possibly afford the student. If by chance one is a transfer/ non-traditional student, please look into programs that will allow you to get involved in school activities that don't make you feel like the old one in the room. That's one thing that I didn't check on and wished I did. I took me much longer to find out about helpful programs when I was searching alone. Hope these few words will help someone in the future. :)
If I could give you one piece of advice students, do not look for the college that you believe will be the most impressive to future employers; instead, impress those employers with your knowledge of what you want and your determination to attain it regardless of the obstacles that stand between you and your goal.
To the parents, encourage your sons and daughters to find the college that makes them feel happy and at home and then to do what they are passionate about. Success stems from passion and is rooted in self-understanding, nuture these.