Crown College Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Crown College?


I believe that the type of people who shouldn't attend Crown College are those who won't take their education seriously. If they are only here for sports or anything else, then they are really missing out.


Crown College is for students who are serious about their own personal relationship with Christ. All students attending Crown are here for a reason. I came here to gain a strong foundation with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ so that I would be able to defend my faith better after I gain my masters in Psychology and bachelor in Christian Studies. I want to burn for God, and I want to let the world know, as all Crown students do. The Christian Studies major is mandatory to graduate so you can't evade your faith here on this campus.


Because this campus is a sort of community in itself, people who don't like staying on campus the entire semester probably wouldn't like it here. Most needs can be fulfilled on campus, so there is little need to go anywhere else, and they recommend that Freshman don't bring a car on campus.


I think anyone could attend this school if they believe in christian morals. Such as pro-life, no same-sex marriage, and believing that Jesus Christ died on the cross to take away our sins and that we need to ask forgiveness for our sins and live our lives for Him.