Crown College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Crown College know before they start?


I havent been to college yet, but I plan to make it the beast years of my life its my chance to be successful and be able to provide for my family, I want to challenge myself and be able to push myself to the top. I choose psychology because I can help others and it is a stable future/career choice, the medical field will always be here so I personally think it is a great choice. Without going to college I will lack a good strong foudation of an education and that means I possibly might not succeed as well as I possibly could. So this scholarship will get me one step closer to my dreams and passion of learning.


A child's development is very important to me and to our future. I decided to go back to school so I could increase my knowledge and gain the confidence in myself that I needed to be a better Children's Ministry Director. Attending Crown College's Adult Accelerated Learning Program has already started to build that confidence in myself. I have a sense of accomplishment because I am going after what I want and am making it happen. I have received admiration from fellow moms, wives and office associates that has also increased my desire to succeed at achieving my goal. I also consider my college experience a valuable lesson for my children. They are seeing firsthand the importance of finishing college first. Marriage and children can wait but in today's world you can't get by without some type of degree. On the other hand, they are learing that it is never to late to acheive your goal in life. Personally, my college experience is invaluable because it is providing me with the ability to help children in their development of Christian character and values.


I have gotten a lot of experience from Crown College, a Christian and Missionary School. Like a typical school, students feel more independent from who they were to get homework done, be organize , and active with activities. Also to earn a degree in something. But what I got out school is to learn in depth in my academics, especially in communication classes, lots of hands similar to work in the real world, made and to continue to make life-long friends, learned how to balance life out with work, sleep, and fun activities, a better relationship with God and of course to be independent. It has been valuable because these things help me to grow logically, spiritually, physicially. More logically by learning the academics, thinking critically, and being creative. More spiritually being with christian people and studying the bible more. More physically by being active in track, hands on work like working with a video camera, and by staying busy. College life is worth is as what you put into it will come out valuablely. I had realized and I continue to do, is to put even more effort towards everything and it will be valuable to attend.


I have found that with my college experience that college while expensive is also a very necessary tool in todays economic structure to find adequet and gain full employment. College courses may vary on difficulity from one course to the next and there are many resources to help with difficulties in your courses, from the use of a tutor to accessing online information , to student assistance in the class. I have found that communication between the student and instructor is impairitive to the success of the student if their are any questions regarding assignments. Next college is a great way to meet new people on a social aspect and it does no necessarily have to be a party time moment. I have gained alot of insight about myself as well as others while attending college, and have found that employers find continuing your education as an attribute.


I have realized through my college experience that you need education to succeed in this world. In today's world a degree means so much. Businessess look for a degree, internships, and overall experience when determining who is the best person to hire for a job. College has been valuable to me because it has kept me focused on what is important in this world, and has allowed me to focus on my future. I have learned that their is so much more that I need to learn, and I have become extremely driven to achieve a great education so that I can get a great job. Since high school has ended I attend college optionally and have realized that I enjoy being able to expand my knowledge and putting myself in a position to succeed in this world. Overall college has put me in the right frame of mind to do all that I want to do in life, and it has affected my life in ways that I could never have imagined.


As a student at Crown College, it has been a real challenge academically and spiritually. Here at Crown, through the guide and support of the professors, they have challenge me to be able to think globally, that in whatever major or field of study I'm going into, I must go global. With that in mind, after college, I plan on going into the ministry to help youth students. I find that in America today, there are so many hurting students. Hopefully by becoming a youth pastor, I can help aid, encourage and lead students in the correct way of life. Not only that, but after being in the youth ministry, I plan to go overseas to help, serve, and care for those in need. Who knows what will happen later on in life, but what matters the most is I'll go wherever God leads me.


Don't be discourage about the tuition, it's real expensive but God provides alright. Stay ontop of school work, mom and dad and your siblings are looking up to you, so you got to make it. Cheufue, you got to really believe that God called you here. Your here for a reason, even when your grades weren't the best in high school, God will make a way for you to come to Crown and make ends meet financially. Always remember that God is faithful and everyday has it's own problems to worry about. Take everyday one step at a time, by the time you know it you will be wherever God wants you to be if your hearts in it. That's why God put you here, because he placed it in your heart to love people and make a change. Keep your head up and remember to surrender your life to God and serving other people, for Christ did that for you and those who haven't heard of the good news. Look at what the other graduates before had to give up. Don't be selfish and learn to truly live life with love.


The advice that I would go back in time to give myself would be to try harder. I did not try very hard in high school, so I would definately tell myself to put forth more effort on things. I'm not under my parents' wing anymore, so I have to fend for myself in a way. I can't afford to not try. I need give my grades everything that I have, because if I don't , I wouldn't be able to come here anymore. I would say, "Carrie, college is going to be hard. Start preparing for it now and don't take the easy way out." I would also advise myself to prepare for cultural and ethnic diversity. I come from a very small town, so there is not much diversity at all. But since coming to Crown, I've noticed how many kinds of people there are, sharing my school with me. I all of a sudden have classes with people who are so unlike myself. It's very refreshing, but it was a shock. Overall, my high school years were great, but if I could go back, I would definately do some things differently.


If I were to travel back in time to advise myself in high school, the biggest thing I would give is a warning. I would tell myself to take as many AP/Honors classes as possible to prepare for the college level work load. Plus, taking AP classes would allow for college credit to be earned before actually stepping foot on a college campus. So, I would have given myself to get ahead. This way, I would have been able to graduate earlier and get a head start on marketing myself for a job. In this difficult economy, it would be very profitable to have a year or two head start on everyone else. Graduating early would mean that I am younger than everyone that I graduate with, but still have the same amount of knowledge. This is something that I could sell to any corporation.


Don't fret over what to expect. The first day of classes can be overwhelming, and it usually is for EVERY freshman college student. Don't worry, because there is help everywhere. All the upperclassmen have been in your shoes. Just let yourself go. Smile at everyone, you will make friends quickly for that smile would more than likely calm their pounding or aching heart. Leaving your family is hard, but just know that all the freshman have to do the same thing. When you receive your syllabus, don't freak out. When you get back to your dorm at the end of the day and plop in your chair by your laptop, simply make a calendar on your computer with Microsoft Publisher (at least that's what I used!) and write down each assignment on the day it's due: Capitalize EXAMS, PAPERS, PRESENTATIONS, etc. It's not going to be a problem once you organize yourself. They give you due dates ahead of time which I feel is a blessing, for you can think days ahead for exams and the like. Also, do homework in the main building and make friends! Get involved: JUMP INTO THE COLLEGE LIFE!!!!!