Culinary Institute of America Top Questions

Describe the students at Culinary Institute of America.


My classmates are from a bunch of different backgrounds, nationalities, and have different personalities, but we all work together great.


For the most part they are interested in culinary arts, but don't show a great passion


Many of the classmates that I have met on campus are determined, artistic, excited to be here, friendly and encouraging.


The students that attend the Culinary Institute of America are extremely motivated and focused on their education due to the strict and fast paced cericulum that the school offers.


My Classmates are true food lovers, amicable, welcoming, co-operative and mentally versatile by nature and definately the great Chefs of tomorrow.


The students at the Culinary Intitute of America are very commited to their dreams and goals that they have set for themselves.


My classmates are all very different in their own way.


A diverse group of bright and promising individuals, dedicated to the furthering their knowledge and passion for the industry, and creating the next innovations in the world of culinary arts.


The inventive and energetic chefs of the future who will lead the next generations of the foodservice industry.


Half are very driven and the other half are not.