Culinary Institute of America Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I can have more time to brush up my maths and accounting skills as these subjects play important role towards the second year of the program. Another important factor is the relevant experience in kitchen skill before starting the program is useful as I will not be competing with other students who had ample experience assisting Chef in the kitchen.


The one thing I wish i had known before starting school at The Culinary Institute of America would be prepare more and know a little more about the school and how the classes would be. The classes are six hours long everyday for the most part, it is a lot of work and very tiring but if you love this career choice then you would be fine.


That this industry gives no weekends and holidays


I did extensive research on the school before I can, and the admissions team here does a fantastic job on conveying information and all the details about the school. I knew everything I needed to know.


I wish that I knew mroe about the area surrounding the school, it can sometimes be hard to find somethign to do. I have found a lot of hiking trails which is good. However there are TONS of on-campus activities.


I wish that had known more about the curriculm set up and the externship i had to do.


How the school seems to always be greedy in regards to money. The school always seems to spen alot of money on keepeing up their image to the public and potential students and contributers. It dosn't really seem to care that much about the student body that are currently enroled. I wish they would be more accomidating to us and that they would utilize some of their funds to make the facilities better for the student body.


I wish I had known that the CIA is not as generous as they say they are with their financial aid packages.


Wish I had done more research on diffrent chefs and resaurants to I had a better idea of what i wanted to do or where I wanted to go for extern.


I wish I had been given more education in High school or even in my first semester of the CIA about financial planning and budgeting... my only regret of college is that I spent lots of money on things that i really didn't need, and now am suffering the consequences with only one smemester to go until gradduation.