CUNY Bernard M Baruch College Top Questions

Describe how CUNY Bernard M Baruch College looks to someone who's never seen it.


Outside view of Baruch’s main building with banners and a stroll down the sidewalk to the Halal food stand.


Right outside the back doors of the main building where students hide from the rain and smoke. There are outside tables and chairs to have lunch or study in nice weather.


A shot of the back turnstiles in Baruch’s main building which holds classrooms and lecture halls. The security is super-strict, you can’t get in without a students ID. The BPAC (Baruch Performing Arts Center) is located below-ground and holds dance, music and theater performances both by students and famous performers.


This area in Baruch’s administrative and library building is usually very busy at rush hour. It’s hard to find seats to


An elevator ride to the office of financial aid, registrar and Bursar’s office in the administrative building. Wide shot of international flags and a shot of some wall art. Another shot of the reception lunch downstairs and real trees inside the building. A lot of times it is difficult to graduate in 4 years because the classes are always full, so students rush to register exactly at the time of their registration date and time, and even cut class to do so.


The Office of undergraduate admissions inside the administrative building which often holds reception and lunches for alumni and donors. The six floors of the library are visible from here. The 7th and 8th floors are decorated with all the flags of the world to represent the different ethnicities that attend the college. Downward shot of the first floor library with computers and a shot of library study areas.


Outside shot of Baruch’s administrative and library building which houses thebursar, the registrar and the office of admissions and financial aid. The library is located on floors 1-6, and the administrative offices are located on floors 7-9. Shot of smokers in front of the main building and street between the two buildings. The security guards never kick out the smokers outside, which results in a lot of complaining from non-smokers.


The 2nd floor lobby of the vertical campus filled with people before the night class rush.


The main Baruch vertical campus entrance located at east 24th street. The vertical campus has a total of 14 floors, with the architecture of the building concaving inwards at the floors increase.


One of the best views at Baruch is located on the 5th floor of the main library building. It oversees all floors of the building, giving a panoramic bird's eye view of everything.