CUNY Bernard M Baruch College Top Questions

Describe the students at CUNY Bernard M Baruch College.


i dont know


My classmates are hardworking with most of them interning and going to school at the sametime. Many are very involved in school clubs and everyone can find a group where they can fit in.


Students mostly keep to themselves rather than making friends; we'd open up to each other if we have a class together and talk mostly about schoolwork and become friends like that, but after the semester is over, we tend to lose contact (liking each other's statuses on facebook doesn't count at all). Since realizing this, I started looking for an organization to join to meet more people, and to my happy surprise, an old friend turns out to also go to Baruch and is the editor in chief of our yearbook, the Lexicon. We now work together on the yearbook while also having fun with everyone else in the committee. Then again, there's also the bars around the campus where all students congregate to socialize.


There are a lot of clubs and different groups. They're friendly and always invite new people.


Baruch College has one of the most diverse student populations. I believe we even ranked 1st for most diverse in the past.


City Tech is very diverse, which came as a surprise to me. I thought my high school was diverse but its nothing compared to college. This made me feel more comfortable because if there was just one major type of student then I would have to try to fit in with them, but since they're more than one I just just be myself. Being yourself is very important. Also they are kids with full finicial aid there are kids who pay some of the tution out of pocket.


An eclectic group of people.


I have been fortunate to make friends with people from a variety of different countries while attending Baruch. The level of commitment students have for their studies, however, ranges from dedicated to apathetic. Group work in most classes has been quite challenging because of this broad range of enthusiasm.


One of the most fascinating aspects of Baruch College is its extremely diverse student body as a result of its location in the heart of New York City. Baruch has an especially developed Asian student community, which dominates the spectrum of student ethnicity. I find the work ethic present in the student body as a whole exceedingly encouraging and doesn't fail in providing multiple, motivating academic challenges.


An admirable bunch, with quite a few bright bulbs, my classmates at Baruch have much faith in their abilities and challenge me every day to work harder and inspire me to keep working towards my goals.