CUNY Bernard M Baruch College Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at CUNY Bernard M Baruch College accurate?


Crowded and Asian but never boring


Pretty much.


To an extent they are, yes. If you are looking for a fun-loving feeling of social openness, this is not the place for it.




To a certain extent. I think as an individual you have to create your own realm. I enjoyed going to Frank's Express Pizza (




All of the above are true.


I have met a lot of students whose motivation and skill brought them great benefits in attending Baruch College. A lot of the people attending this school have to work part-time, sometimes full time, to finance their education. This is no easy thing to do while studying for exams or setting aside time to meet with other students to complete term projects. Another aspect that prepares Baruch students for those challenging front office positions is the rigorous academic program through which they have to go. Sometimes the school is so particular about students taking all the pre-requisites that they just cannot move on until they have done so. But that only more authority to the degree Baruch graduates hold.


We do live in NYC-- indifference would apply to almost anyone who has lived here for over a decade. But as in any school, there are very smart students and some that are not so smart.


1. Very accurate 2. Very accurate 3. Accurate 4. Yes very accurate