CUNY Bernard M Baruch College Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about CUNY Bernard M Baruch College?


Competition is very frustrating in my school because everyone is very inetelligent and want to be the best. they only care for the good students and not for the ones who just needs a chance becaouse they might not be quick learners as others.


People are really disconnnected from each other.


Registrar office is not helpful or mindful of students which makes it difficult for students who need help in terms of class registration or transfer of credits to receive any sort of legitimate, sound advice. Also, in terms of club events or club support, the school has too many regulations in comparison to private schools which makes it difficult for students to strengthen such activities.


I think it is a typical college, the only issue I had was that I did not like group projects.


The campus was spread out over several builings. With minimum time to get to each class and being in high-rise buildings it was hard to get to classes without running.


Not being assigned a specific guidance counselor and not being able to make appt for guidance. You need to go to stand in line to wait to speak to someone. Also, too many non-major required courses. Completing a Minor is required. I am a transfer student. It's very difficult to navigate the system and get answers. I am still waiting, after appeal, to get some transfer course credits. They will drop the ball and the student needs to stay on top of it.


too crowded


the school does not have a strong support network for transfer students


Th most frustrating thing about this school is that as it is a communter school, it does not allow for much room for socialization as there is only one club hour when most clubs meet so it is difficult to participate in more than one or two clubs at the same time.