Read first about what you would like to major in in college. Do an excessive research into majors and don't let people tell you what you should become.
As a first generation and minortiy student, I would simply advice myself to stay focus and keep the same optimistic attitude that will make you successful four years later. As a current graduate student attending Columbia University for my Master's degree, I would not have change my overall experience at my college. I am pleased with all the decisions I have made, I am grateful for my wonderful professors and mentors who have inspired and challenge me for the real world. Finally, I would simply tell myself to "keep up the good work because you're doing great!"
I would tell myself the simple words, "everything is going to be okay". Going to college is a huge transition but as long as you understand that things will get better it makes it easier. I would also say make sure you have someone you can go to for emotional support because it can be hard. I would also say try to make as many friends as possible because not only do you need friends for your emotional wellbeing but you're also making connections for the future!
I would tell my High School self “motivation is the key to getting things done” and that I shouldn’t let opportunities blow by. I would encourage myself to continue to retake the regents exam so as to not end up in remedial like I did. I would tell myself to be more social and bold and start networking with other people who shares my interest to better myself and start taking steps towards my career. I would advice myself to ask more questions concerning things of importance because it never hurts to fully know what’s going on and because it would help me to avoid future problems that stems from ignorance. But most importantly I would tell myself it’s never too soon to start working on scholarships. Paying for college isn’t easy and even with the assistance of financial aid, more often than not it’s not enough. In order to have smooth sailing from the start of my college career till the end of it, this is the most important thing I would’ve advised my younger self about.
I would advice myself that High School is nothing like college, I have to work much harder and know that the professors would not be as easy going as the teachers in High School. I would also remind myself that I will basically be on my own in college, professors would not be questioning or showing much concern about one student's missing work or test. I would advice myself to just stay focus, sit in the front of every class, and make sure the teacher atleast knows my name. Understanding the material, no matter how many questions needs to be asked is essential in college, especially that the tuition for each course is so expensive. So my biggest advice to myself as a whole, is to keep reminding myself that the college life is much different from that of High School.
I would tell myself to complete the FAFSA in the beginning of January. It should get finished right away so it would be one less thing to have to worry about. Also, focus onschool work!! Don't worry about what other people think of you and don't feel the need to have a boyfriend. That will only take away from the valuble study time. When I got a job, I should have saved most of the money for when I transfer schools in fall of 2014. The final thing I'd tell myself is to not be too outgoing. Go back to being the shy girl I was in 8th grade. It would've kept me out of the little trouble I was in and also prbably would've helped my study habits.
Life is very competetive. Treat everyone around you as your competitor. Make friends, but only use them if they help you strengthen your goals, and lower their chance of succeeding.
I’d tell myself that college is nothing like high school, studying vigorously and smartly is a requirement. High School, although it taught us an amazing skill did by no means prepare us for college, especially in the sciences which will later be our major. I’d advise myself to immediately look at the requirements of our major and plan out which courses to take from that semester until the semester we graduate. Do this by aligning your major requirements, with advice of peers who have already been through the major. Do not rely on your advisors advice because you will have 7 advisors throughout your college career. None of which will ever know you by name because they change with semester, and most of which are unfamiliar with the college courses and requirements. The advice taken from them will on most occasions be wrong and set you back. In summation I’d tell myself to have a plan for my college career, in essence not wait for the information to come to you but to seek out the information yourself, and plan accordingly. College is an extremely autonomous place, where your future and its success are in your hands.
If I could go back in time to talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to make the most out of your senior year because it'll be the last year in high school then it's off to the real world. I would encourage myself to join clubs, make new friends, and to join different sports. I would also like to make sure that I did my homework every day, take notes, and to study. If I were already used to that routine, it would have been a much smoother transition in to college. I would have also suggested to apply to more colleges and apply for more scholarships since their are so much oppurtunities in the world and paying for college would be much easier. If I had this advice while I was a high school senior, I would have an easier transition to college and it would be much less stressful. I want to take any oppurtunity that I can in order to succeed in life. The earlier, the better! So don't delay and prepare for the future.
I would have entered college as a double major instead of just choosing one, and I would have made up my mind about what I wanted before I got to college.