There are plenty of Professors with (sometimes multiple) degrees from Ivy League and other equivalent colleges. Each class is unique to the department and professor in terms of course load, a lot of students use Rate My Professor to find the Easy A courses. The Thomas Hunter Honors Program offers the most unique courses, similar to seminars. I am an Anthropology Major that is pre med and my department is great. The department head has the best and coolest office ever, with some classic anthropological decorations. I see my professors during their office hours and such if I really like them and want to get to know them, a lot of them went to Occupy Wall Street as well so plenty of students from Hunter bonded with their professors there. Some people complain about the many general education requirements but I completed almost all of them the first year and with all the opportunities for so many classes, if I was not in the Thomas Hunter Honors program (almost in, takes like a year and a half to complete to remain permanently) and not pre-med, I would have sooo many other great classes to take and I would graduate early. There is definitely both gearing towards a job and learning for its own sake, especially if you were say only an Econ major with a job/internship you would be able to finish your major and still take other knowledge encouraging classes, so you get the best of both. You can also take 3 courses at all the other CUNYs or be in the CUNY BA program and take more than three.
In bio, no one really knows your name. These classes are very large. The academic requirements overall are alright, tolerable. Except, that you must declare a minor. Which sucks, because it wastes time and money.
the professors are mostly great, the students are no challenging however. students are not invested, competitive, involved. they usually seem bored, uninterested, or frustrated at being in classes. This gets better with upper level courses.
At Hunter, we're very competitive. It may not show on the face but, believe me, the drive is there. The academic requirements are a little tough though. The General Requirements can be really irritating because they take up so much time! And if you transfer from a college abroad, many of your credits could just transfer as electives...which stinks. Though, in some cases, you can appeal to have a class count for a requirement. Usually, they'll give in. Especially, if you're in something like French literature and you need to do two semesters of bio lab when you have already taken a semester at your other university. It just wouldn't make sense to do it again!
I feel like the "general education requirement" wants students to learn-just for the sake of learning and be a well rounded individual. If the school wants us to work toward our future careers then those who wish to major in literature wouldn't need to take math or science based courses. Although i could care less about my history courses (required for GER) I sort of also like the information I'm learning. The credit's not really going to my still undecided major (i want to study science ) but it's still nice to learn about something outside of my major. most of my professors don't know my name, it's something that is both good and bad. the good thing would be since the professor knows my name and my face it would pressure me to learn. I would feel embarrassed if my professor hands me a bad grade and looks at me with a disappointed look. but then again that is also a bad thing, b/c maybe i don't want to feel pressured. class participation is uncommon, since most professors don't call on people to respond, usually the more opinionated kids take over the class, leaving people like me to doze off in the back, doodling and what not.
I think Hunter has a great faculty. I wouldn't really change much.
All of my professors know my name. Yet, academically, the general requirements are really a headache because many students are already geared toward a chosen profession, yet are forced to take unnecessary classes, such as, biology. Even if you are set on being a film major. Yet I think this could be a problem with CUNY. Not directly with Hunter itself.
The students in my field (biology) are very competitive, especially if they are opting for pre-med. This group is very tight; more than others, I would say, because of the time required for studying. We have study groups because the classes are so difficult, especially for those trying out for the nursing program.
The students are very competative at Hunter. Especially in the nursing feild. To get into this feild you need to have an excellent GPA and really input the tiem to study, otherwise you won't get into the program and won't stay in. I spend some time with professors outside of class when I need help with my assigment. The requirments for nursing are tough, but understandable.