CUNY Hunter College Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about CUNY Hunter College? Why?


The worst thing about Hunter College is that it a bit over crowded in some classes.


The worst is possible the campus. If you are looking for a traditional college feel, this is not it. Rather this is one step away from getting use to the hard post grad NYC life. Which is both a blessing and a curse. At the end you will be better equipped to negotiate the city but you miss opportunities to built longer lasting friends the way you do in traditional colleges. Hunter is a commuter school and that means folks come in, go to class and usually go off to work with little time for engaging other students.


Probably the building. A vertical campus consisting of three buildings doesn't lend itself to enabling frequent interactions with other students. You know that classic, animal house style experience that movies tell you you're supposed to have in college? You won't find that here


There's nothing that I consider to be the worst or bad about my school. I have been very satisfied with it, and I am glad I chose Hunter.


science classes are too big the lack of places to hang out and study comfortably


The food in the cafe for the students to eat has very limit. Please consider to offer more plenty and various food to the student since there are not many food to buy around the school. The staffs in the registrar office are not that nice. Most of the computers outside of the registrar office, in the hallway and student resources center are not working. I am wondering how the school used the tech and student activities fee for.


The worst thing about Hunter is the administration. The classes/professors are great, but the administration staff are the worst! They lose information, then blame it on the student. Or worse, they transcribe something incorrectly, and the student's information becomes incorrect or lost. The worst is when a class will be dropped for non-payment, when the bill was paid and it just wasn't entered into the computer on time.


The worst thing about my school definitely has to be the price of lunch. There have been various hikes in the cost of food items in our cafeteria, some of which have doubled in just a few semesters. While prices have increased, relative quality remains as it was prior to the increase in cost. Many cafeteria workers were recently subjected to atrociously minimal wage increases and a cut in benefits. This was confronted with several meetings and a campus-wide picketing/protest. Needless to say our school-wide efforts paid off.


It is overcrowded. Class size is not too bad, 30-40 for most classes. But the hallways and elevators and escalators are all always stuffed to capacity. They need more space, or fewer students. Also, they need more fulltime professors. I had many excellent Adjunct Proffessors, but it itsn't fair to them to be denied a full time job.


Although Hunter College has an estimated 14,000 Student body, there are only 4 buildings. As a result, finding the right courses are always a painful process.