If there was a possibility for me to go back in time I would tell myself to focus on myself, my dream, and school. Unfortunately, back in high school I did not work as hard as I could of. With that being said I now have to work twice as hard. I would tell myself to know what I want in life and pursue my dream because I have the potential and the oppurtunity to make my dream come true. I would tell myself to focus and work on the person that I want to be, and be the best I can be. I cannot depend on others I have to take responsibilty in what I do. I was born in this world by myself and I will die by myself so in the end all I have is myself. Knowing who I am and accepting the person I am will make me a stronger stronger person in this cold disturbing world. Since there is no way of me going back in the past the only way for me to be the best I can be is to learn from my mistakes and focus on what is most important.
If I could go back to me senior year I would give myself a five-finger slap of reality. By this I mean, I would tell myself to focus more on plotting educational foundations for my future while I still had people eager to help. I’d tell myself to do some research as to what professions are in demand and which ones are of interest to me so I can get to where I want to be. I would advise myself to apply for as many scholarships possible so I could afford the education that I deserve which would ultimately lead to a decent career eventually ensuring financial satiability. I would let me know that the real world is a great place if you’re ready for it, but it won’t write sick notes or pay you for your impressive ability to memorize lyrics. Lastly, I would emphasize the importance of obtaining a college education not only for the financial rewards and social status, but also for the personal gratification and sense of achievement such an accomplishment will bring. Then, and only then, can you say, "This is exactly what I wanted to be when I grew up!”
My college experience thus far has been a whirlwind to say the least. If I were able to travel back in time and give myself advice about college knowing what I know now, there are two things I would tell myself. The first thing I would tell myself would be a Dr. Seuss quotation. “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened”. I would say this in order to help prepare myself to let go of high school and to mentally prepare for the vast amount of change I would later go through. This was something that was very difficult for me to do in my first year of college and it hindered my emotional stability. The second and most important piece of advice I would give would be to not hesitate to ask for help in college. It is important to reach out to professors when you are struggling, tutors when you need help, and psychologists when you are depressed for example. College seems intimidating and overwhelming when you are in high school, but colleges provide a numerous amount of resources for students and it is important to reach out for those resources when needed.
If I could go back in time to talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself all that I have found out over the past few years of college. The primary suggestion I would make to myself is to not listen to everyone when they say college is hard or stressful. I have found out that college is not like people try to make you believe it is. College can be anything you want it to be as long as YOU and only YOU make it that way. I think that if I would have realized this before I went into college I would not be the procrastinator or become as stressed about things as I do now. I am slowly starting to learn that I am the one in control of my college experience and I am now slowly learning how to make my time in college comfortable for me. The other major suggestion I would give myself is to know I'm not alone. The whole time I have been in college I have been surrounded by people who are willing to keep me above water when I feel like I am drowning.
College has always been a dream of mine. I didn't take it seriously my freshmen year and some of my grades were greatly affected. I became so caught up in going to all events and parties that I didn’t focus on my academics as much as I should have. If I was still a high school senior, I would give myself advice that people never gave me as I was about to enter college. Some advice that I would tell myself is college is truly not how it looks on television. A person has to put a lot of hard work and time into their education if they would like to succeed while in college but also life. You do not have to make every single party or event that is held on campus. College is four years so over the course of those four years you will be able to attend a variety of different parties and events. Being all in the mix is not a bad thing but when a person constantly focuses more on their social life then studies, a person's grades will start to suffer and I can attest to this.
The advice that I would give to myself as a high school senior would be that when I enter college to have fun with everything that they have to offer as well as take advantage of what the school is offering. I make make sure to tell myself that my career goal is to be on tv and that instead of going into school as a business major I should go in as a Mass Communication major. Not only would I say become a become a Mass Communication major I would also say, instead of going home after classes stay on campus and join up for an organization and have fun on campus with the stuff that they are providing. I would make to included that I need to stay focus on doing my homework so that way I can substane a 3.0 or greater rather than having to work my way up the ladder.
If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to follow my dreams. I tell myself to not let anything hold me back and do what I wanted to do and not what my parents think I should do. You are going to make mistakes in life and its okay to fall sometimes as long as you can pick yourself back up. Even though I still live at home and going to school at a community college, I feel like it was the best decision I made. In high school I just wanted to get out of this small town but now that I am still here I realize I would be missing out on a lot if I just left home. There have been opportunities for me at home that I wouldnt of gotten if I would of went off to a University after high school. I would tell myself to slow down and enjoy life and enjoy what I have while Im here. Dont rush fate, it will be waiting for me when my time comes.
I always think about this if i could go back i would have I pushed myself more.What i mean by pushing myself is not settling for nothing to go beyond expected.I really wish i was envolved more .I just really wished i took things more serious now that i see where i failed in myself i improve each day in college.
If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to not rush into a major immediately. Take a more settle approach, and wiegh your options. At first, I thought Criminal Justice was for me, but I didnt really do my research on the major. I made the mistake in rushing into it, basically wasting a year. You could remain undecided and simply follow where the fun is. take classes that you enjoy for a semester and see if you wish to remain in that specific field. Also, talk to your advisor more. I went to my advisor just to sign up for classes, but never actually had a conversation with them. Trust me, it makes life so much easier to talk to them, they know what they are talking about as well as professors. Im now a Political Science Major with a Minor in Lawstudies. Picking up a Minor is simple and is always better to have. Also, pick up a Minor relating to your major. most likely, you will have to take some of the same classes for both so its like knocking two heads with one stone. Also, stay focused on academics.
In college one must realize that college is a place for you to grow. As college students we are in the identity stage of our lives. We are finding out who we are, why we are like this and deciding what we want out of life. If I was still a senior I would have informed myself out time management, money management, as well as how to handle stress. I also would have informed myself about how college is mainly about what you make of it. I would have told myself that I am benefiting the university by becoming a student so my expectations for change and other things would have not been so high. Also I would have informed myself how college will benfit me so much and teach me the lessons of independence. Also when it comes to dealing with emotions as far as missing my family I would have prepared myself more for this transition. The main thing that I would have advised myself about prior to entering college would be, growth! Making myself realize it is necessary when one is progressing in life. I now realize that.