Delta Technical College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Delta Technical College know before they start?


Our idealistic approach to life gives us the badge of courage needed to ignore difficulities but one life stress after another can pile on and tear down that courageous wall, leaving resentment, regret adn fear. Many of us try to be happy, but despite our best efforts, we keep falling victim to the endless harrassment of our lives. Don't be so afraid of failure, Failure will teach you more and tak you further than immdeiate success ever can, because it means you've explored every option. Whenever you're working on something, you have to remember that it's always wrong at first.... until you get it right. Be wrong as quickly as possible, so you can get through it. It's really OK not to be perfect all the time. Always be on the look out for something better, something more interestin, something truer to your heart. Don't stay in your college major just because you're not sure what else to do, Don't stay in that horrible, entry-level job just because it's easier than applying for something else.