You really get what the stereotype is here, unless you try REALLY hard you can do your own thing, but it typically segregates you to a small minority.
Denison had small classes and unique opportunities for service learning and work study within the community. At Denison I was able to do work study in the community at a local non-profit for at-risk adolescents instead of working in an administration office or library at the school. I appreciated the opportunity to make a difference in the community while paying for my education.
The amoung of financial aid that was available through the school alumni network was absolutely incredible. The school strives to continue to better itself and wishes the same of its students, often calling entire days off to deal with a campus-wide crisis.
They offer academically based financial aid, it's in the Midwest, it has fraternities and sororities
This survey is too long.
My school has cars that allow students to do community service activities and for religious activities. My school allows students to stay over the summer to do research that interest them. My school allows its students to start whatever organization it likes and it provides funding to them. My school allows its students to study abroad in different countries and we accet those credits.
Explore the Homestead! The ecological community in the woods behind campus. It is beautiful, they do great things, and they have great parties...the best on campus!
Said it all already. But know that anyone can find their niche at the school because of the broad array of people.
I believe every thing I said is vitally important. It is important because I am not trying to rag on my school - I love Denison and would never trade it for another school. Everything I said is completely true and I would hope people know that information before applying to DU. There are problems at Denison that NEED to be fixed, especially Dean Phlegar who as taken the rights of students and turned a LIBERAL Arts School into something more like fascism. It is important to note that the best and the worst issues come from the fact that we must live on campus. However, possibly most important - people really have gotten sick from the living conditions. I never feel completely well living there and state schools must change carpeting every few months, while much of Denison's is age old. My roommate had to go to the hospital for weeks and move to a hotel, while still being forced to pay for his dorm. At the campus hospital, they will not admit a problem, but his diagnosis was clear for the hospital doctors. Do not get sick or injurred at Denison! and if you do - dont go to Whistler.