Denison University Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Denison University accurate?


Pretty much. Denison is a place where you don't really belong unless you're wearing J.Crew or Vineyard Vines. We are East Coast preps plunked down in Ohio, but we own it. It's not so bad as long as you can deal with it. Some people are individuals, but the majority of students (particularly females) fit this stereotype.


You will find those kinds of people, but that is not how everyone is. Students have many different interests and are involved in a wide range of activities. Students are generally nice and hard workers.


To a certain extent, a lot of Denison students probably are from higher socio-economic backgrounds but it's important to remember that Denison is a small, private, liberal arts school, and that seems to be pretty standard among colleges like this. And yes, the east coast is well represented in the student body, but so is the rest of the country. Denison is cool because even though it is in Ohio, a large percentage of its students are from out of state, so you get a chance to meet a whole different array of people.


The stereotype about Denison students being wealthy, white, privileged, and entitled is true to a large extent, but even a large extent does not speak for the whole. The student body is very diverse as long as you try not to label people. If you want to put a label on everyone, perhaps Denison isn't so diverse, but the student body is really what you make of it.


Only for a small portion of the student population.


No, there are definitely some people who are like these stereotypes, but nearly all people are.


for the most part... not everyone is super rich or snobby, but the average student at denison is definitely not poor, and is at least upper middle class... it's a party school, but there are plenty of people who don't party. Denison's academics have high standards, and is a stressful for everyone at times, especially at finals (everyone sort of goes into a finals coma)


The Ugg girls are quite a landmark on campus, it's true. However, you'll find girls on campus who will never own a pair of Uggs. I personally made it to Denison on a whole bunch of scholarships. My family is not rich; rather we're a one income family (and my dad works in a factory). I know a lot of other students who went to the school on scholarships as well. It took me awhile to find these people because we were all under the impression that everyone had money except us, and we didn't want to go around saying "Yeah, my parents only make $32,000 a year." Once I found someone who wasn't rich though, it was surprising how many more I found. So don't avoid Denison just because you don't have a lot of money. They give good scholarships, and there are lots of people who are only able to pay for Denison because they got tons of scholarships as well.


Everyone is very intelligent along with the professors. As far as the student body goes it is becoming more and more diverse, however, there are still a lot of preppy rich kids due to the schools high price tag.


For some people, yes they are. However, the majority of the campus is not like that at all. This year it has become increasingly inaccurate as our awareness of our similarities and differences has been raised and we have become and united student body.