The radio station rocks! WDUB is a free format radio station that was ranked as a top 20 college radio station by Princeton Review 08. They have a live stream that goes all around the world via wdub.org and broadcast 24-hours a day, seven days a week. They also broadcast locally on 91.1 FM and many people in surrounding cities listen. Fraternities and sororities dominate the social scene even though Fraternities don't even get to live in their houses. People part really hard at Denison. The school cracks down on petty things like alcohol and marijuana, and as a result students turn to cocaine and other harder drugs. There is a huge cocaine problem at Denison.
a lot of people play sports, but attending athletic events isn't that popular, except for lacrosse. guest speakers are popular. people don't leave doors open in dorms. there isn't much of a dating scene, mostly just "hooking up". sororities are very popular, frats less so. most people party on weekends, some on mondays and wednesdays. not much to do on weekends if you don't drink. off campus, most people go to easton or columbus.
Organisations are numerous and it seems all polular: esp. Black Student Union, Outlook (GLBT),
Students in dorms do leave their doors open. Lots of interraction.
Athletic events, on the scale of 1(least)-10(most) are 7 "popular" --mostly for the athletes competing in them. But end of semester/year games are pretty popular.
Guest speakers--a lot of them. We had John Ashcroft like 2 weeks ago.
Dating--Lots of it--within college. (I'm not dating in college)
Closest friends--swim team. Same floor dorm.
Ok, I dont think I'm ussually awake at 2 am on Tuesday. Im asleep, cuz I have 6am swim practice.
Peeople party every Friday, and Saturday night!!
Sororities are pretty pop. (I'm not in one--too many girls) People do them so thaey have groups they belong to.
Last weekend I went out, then saw a movie, talked with friends.
Sat night, drive to a city, see a movie. Get together with people, watch a movie, go out to dinner. Do HW. Sleep.
Off campus, I shop, go out to eat. Drive to meets in other colleges. Walk to CVS.
I have been involved with Big Brother Big Sister, and two different varsity sports, as well as a departmental organization, I've enjoyed these organizations, Some students leave their doors open, but they should not-and many women quickly learn to lock their doors due to the high sexual assault here, women WILL report incidents, but the rapists get to stay (due to the rapists financial position), so quickly you learn that the campus looks pretty, but it certainly isn't welcoming for most, because there is so little to do at Denison there is little dating-mostly just drunken hookups, If i am awake at a 2am on Tuesday its because i'm either doing work for class or because I was awakened by drunk frat boys who can piss away their years here because they'll get a job with their family name, People party at Denison by either going to the one bar in town or jamming themselves in a crowed dorm room (since everyone has to live on campus ALL four years) and drink and attempt to dance (aka mostly just white boys dry humping drunk girls), Frats and sororities are extremely important at Denison, they promote social elitism among other careless activities, Besides drinking on a saturday you could watch a movie in your room, do homework or maybe vent to friends about how much it sucks, off campus you could go into the lovely town of Newark and get fast food-but that is only if you're lucky enough to have a car, otherwise you're stuck at Denison
Sports and Greek life are popular, arts and music much less so. Best advice: GET INVOLVED. Seriously. Choose groups in which you have a sincere interest, and you'll likely discover people you really, really, really enjoy. I joined rugby second semester, and it was the best decision of my life. These people are the kind of people I came to college to find: those who share similar interests, goals, and values, but who've got all kinds of different experiences from which I could learn. The only way you can find those friends, those types of people, is if you GET INVOLVED.
Dorm atmosphere varies. Some (East Hall, North quad houses) are very open and friendly; residents tend to hang out with each other. Doors are often open. Others (Crawford, Sheperdson, Shorney, Smith) do not keep their doors open. Can be noisy, especially on the weekends. Some dorms vary from year to year, depending on who gets put in there (both Curtises, North Quad). Sheperdson will more or less always be the party dorm.
School sponsored events are plentiful and usually pretty good. Denison also knows its students very well, meaning that events are normally over by 10, leaving plenty of time to lets its party scene fulfill its duty after the events are over.
Weird traditions: Naked Week is pretty fun. Each night, a fairly sizeable mob streaks through a pre-determined place on campus, "dressed" as a theme (formal, beach, etc.). Fun to watch, even more fun (and awkward the day after) to participate.
Greek life and athletics are great ways to get involved at Denison. The athletic students are all really close and know each other pretty well. Also, greek life is a lot of fun with tons of great activities that everyone gets involved in. Denison brings in great speakers. Just this year I saw Ambassador Holbrooke (U.S. Senator and U.S. ambassador to the United Nations), John Ashcroft (Attorney General from 2001-2005), and the former president of South Africa who ended apartheid with Nelson Mendella. There were many other speakers who came to Denison that I didn't get a chance to see but they were all fantastic people. In terms of traditions at Denison. The funniest one has to be Naked Week. I was shocked to find out that for one week in the middle of winter, a group of students run naked throughout the entire campus at night. Through dorms, academic buildings, athletic facilities, ect... I witnessed the event when the group ran through my dorm and let me say, it was something I will never forget.
Students don't leave their dorm doors open.
Athletic events are unpopular.
There are great guest speaks frequently.
There is a strong party scene and binge drinking is very popular. There is strong peer pressure to binge drink.
Students can be very disrespectful of others. For example, during finals week someone thought it was funny to pull the fire alarm a total of 6 times that week - 3 of which were on the same night. Students were trying to sleep before the finals the next morning.
Girls get very into sororities. It is hard to be friends with people that are greek when you aren't greek. There is little to do on weekends that doesnt involve drinking.
Sororities and fraternities are quite big on this campus. I'm not into such things though so I don't really know much about them. I think that Denison offers a fantastic number of opportunities for students on the weekends and things. One of my favorite weekends every year was Xtreme Weekend when the Student Activities center would fund cool rides and things. Almost every weekend the University would also show cool movies on the big screen. Sometimes, when the weather was nice, the movie screen was sent up outside on the academic quad so that everyone could watch the movie outside. I always enjoyed that.
I met my closest friends by living in the same dorm as them freshman year. Almost all of us lived on the same floor and we began just going to dinner in the dining hall and things all together each night which allowed us to grow really close. During Junior and Senior year I have lived with three of those friends in a four man apartment which has allowed us to bond even more.
Well, I play Ultimate Frisbee and am a DJ for our radio station WDUB. I am also in the acapella group the Hilltoppers. There are over a hundred different clubs that a student can join, and mroe are being created with demand, so get ready to be involved. AS for social life, there is always a party or two if you want to join, otherwise, it's not hard to find a chill spot to watch a movie or just hang out with a few friends.
The most popular sports team is the guys lacrosse team, nobody goes to any other sporting events. I am on the club lacrosse team. We were 14 in the NCLL this year i think which is pretty good considering we only have 12 guys show up to games, no coach, and half of the kids are stoned. For the most part, nobody locks their doors unless they deal drugs. Alot of people do go to the guest speakers, most recently John Ashcroft visited but was ridiculed for his controversial stance on waterboarding. The dating scene is closely linked to the party scene, people will date who they drink or do drugs with the most. If people are awake on a Tuesday night at 2am, they are either only half way done their homework or halfway through an 8 ball of coke. Greek life is huge. If you don't join a fraternity or sorority you will never have a social life at Denison. If you dont drink, you dont have a social life either.