DePaul University Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at DePaul University accurate?


There are a lot of rich kids on campus. Sometimes it's hard to keep up with the amount of shopping everyone can do.


Somewhat. DePaul is diverse but each "diverse" group tends to stick to its own type and they don't usually intermingle.


Hell yes... everyone wears a North Face jacket and Ugg(ly ass) boots, or the backwards cap with a hoodie on top from some sports team or other and sounds like a complete retard. Plus the place is basically one big daycare center... they baby you through the internship fairs (literally, they pay firms to give you their cards) and have a private taxi service under the name "Public Safety". That and everyone's just part of some legacy school or old money and doesn't need to do shit to benefit from it. Not so diverse, huh?


I do not think these sterotypes are accurate. If you walk around the campus you will see so many different types of people from all different economic backgrounds. I do not feel that thier is typical student here at all because of all the different races and religions that surround this campus.


to a certain degree


Everyone likes dressing rich.


No, well, to an extent. We are a fairly openly gay school in that everyone is really accepting of any sexual orientation or even gender identity. Even though we're technically a Catholic school, we are an incredibly open minded campus and our administration is very supportive of all lifestyles and students.


There are a lot of commuters, but also a lot of people that live on and around campus.


sometimes the trends are true, but the stereotypes overall are not too valid.


To a point. The school is somewhat selective, but you definetly get alot of people who have money and want everyone to know it.