DePaul University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about DePaul University? Why?


The worst thing about DePaul is their need to show how technology helps run the campus. When you go in an office to ask a question about seeing an advisor or in relation to your tuituion the last thing you want is to be told to go online to get the problem solved. DePaul tends to forget how impersonal online help feels to a student.


The worst thing about my school is their on-campus housing policy. Only freshman and sophomores are allowed to live on-campus. The upperclassmen have to find apartments in nearby areas that are sometimes expensive.


The worst thing about my program at DePaul University is that I can?t nor have the time to really interact with others students outside my major. It?s very irritating and frustrating because I?m use to being around a wide range of different people and with my program I?m extremely busy and can?t join clubs/organizations at DePaul. I feel like I?m spending all this money to attend this university and can?t milk it for what it?s worth.