DePaul University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at DePaul University?


The major stereotype is that the school is just known for business, which is not true. DePaul University is respected in all fields including law and education.


The major stereotype is that the school is just known for business, which is not true. De Paul University is respected in all fields including law and education.


The major stereotype is that school is just known for business, which is not true. De Paul University is respected in all fields including law and education.


Don't go here. The administrators will lie, cheat, and steal. This a private school that only cares about making money. Watch out for Susan Reed she is part of the exception commitee. Her goal is to get you to retake classes so the school can make more money. She will use unheard of rules to give you an F. Stay away. This school is run by rats and snakes. Eitherway, you will get bitten.


DePaul is very diverse with students of every race, color and creed. Over 30{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} are the first in their family to go to school. Students at DePaul come from every socio-economic status on the spectrum.


One of the primary stereotypes about DePaul students based on personal observation and other reviews is that were are typically left-leaning politically and open-minded to diversity (race, religion, sexual orientation, socio-economic/class differences, age, etc.). Although the latter is true, I find that students have very broad political beliefs. I am strictly an independent libertarian who believes in anti-corruption and national sovereignty. Another common stereotype is that most all of us DePaulians are commuter students and that we have less "campus pride" than other colleges and universities across the country. Finally, I have ran into some people who have come to the conclusion that all of us are a bunch of "rich stuck-up snobs".


Very isolated, and most stick to their own cliques. The cliques consist of two types: the people from their own floor in a residence hall, or their friends from high school in the Chicago area. Other people are generally left out, unless they have the sufficient people skills to overcome the clique factor. There is barely any student community, and school spirit in minimal.


Wealthy, snobby, good-looking chicks. Jeans skirts and ugg boots. Daddy buy me a hummer, etc, etc, etc.


The stereotype is that there are a lot of spoiled rich kids. And that it is a school for super intelligent kids.


rich. smart.