Any person should attend this school. We're on trimesters here which makes it easier to learn. If you like small classes, shorter terms, get the work done kind of experiences, DePaul is the place. The people here for the most part are great and friendly. Very liberal, the teachers views and all, but manageable. Great school, anyone should attend; and they do, which is why we are so diverse!
Someone who is interested in learning about the world.
DePaul is great for any individual that wants small class sizes and one on one attention from their teachers. Culture is very big at DePaul and you get a taste of everything. It is small but not too small. Everyone fits in and you get the great bonus of the city! Individuals who want to be pushed academically and recieve a diverse experience should consider DePaul University!
The kind of person who should attend this school should be someone who is dedicated to learning and being involved in the community surrounding the University.
Students at DePaul should be familiar or enjoy city life. They should be prepared to spend tons of money on things that usually do not cost as much elsewhere. They should also be accustomed to a "city person" mentality. People are usually not very friendly. Students should enjoy shopping and eating great food. In Lincoln Park there is plenty off places to got out and enjoy. Students should also enjoy a small class size.
Anyone who is outgoing, sharing and liberal would fit well here. We are one of the most diverse universites in the country so you have to be willing to work with people from many differnt cultural and ethnical backgrounds. You need to be open to new ideas and not afraid to step outside of your comfort zone. Since you are in the city you need to be aware of your surroundings and respectful of others who living in the surrounding neighborhoods.
Students that are more want to go into pre-law or business. Perhaps even art history. Other than that, communications majors should not apply here because there are not many options.
someone who likes a big city atmosphere and a nice campus where most everything is within walking distance.
DePaul University is located in both Lincoln Park and in Chicago. In order for the college experience to be the most positive, one should love the big city. One should have a love of the school as well; while the school spirit is not as "spirited" as it could be, it is possible for students to get involved and support the athletic teams. DAB (the activities board) makes it very easy for the numerous diverse cultures we have at DePaul to not only feel at home with their own ethnic groups, but to aslo branch out. and make new friends.
I can honestly say that I know students from every ethnic background that attend school here, and everyone seems to find a place to fit in where they are comfortable. It seems like there is something for everyone here. There is a great nightclub schene in Chicago, the local bars are well known, and being in an urban setting there are plenty of things to choose from in you're spare time. Academically I can only answer for the College of Commerce, but my experience was great for the most part.