I will definately tell myself to take time studying. Also that college is really not that hard when i have done well while in high school. I will tell myself to get a job while in high school because it is hard and a struggle to affaord college. But as long as i stay focus and stay open to learn while i am still in high school i can do it and just have faith in God, knowing that i can succeed. I will tell myself to not get distracted, stay on that track, avoid smoking, drinking and partying. Do my work, and do it smart, apply for scholarships, even when it's very competetive at least try because it is always worth it to dedicate time for learning. It will all be worth to get a higher education. I will let myself know that her parents are not rich, and that I am from A small part of HAiti, in order to succeed i should thrive, and also do my absolute best at everything life has to offer.
Take it one day at a time. As a senior, knowing myself, I could have easily guessed that in my departure to college I would be a bundle of nerves even in my sleep-- making mental notes, checklists, to-do lists-- all of which adding up to nothing greater than stress and a desperate need for a massage. The wise advice that saved my sanity was printed on a "motivational canvas" my aunt had given to me for my high school graduation. I had hung it on my wall out of love for my aunt, but realized much later the wisdom it truly possessed. "God Grant me the sanity to accept the things I cannot change. Courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference." In a society conditioned to prepare for the future like squirrels before winter, we rarely slow down enough to breathe and see the clarity in the worry-crowded dark tunnel. The first weeks of college are hectic, but patience trumps organizing office supplies, folding laundry, and making zumba class every time. Allow yourself time to adjust. Zumba-- and the rest of your schedule-- will come with time.
Dear Tati, I know you are in your senior year, and that it is going by super fast! Although right now you probably do not think so. Enjoy it while you can because you are definitely going to miss it. Even though being a team manager helps out a lot. Also, keep doing well in your classes because those college credits are going to help you out. Do not worry too much about the transition to college. DePaul has these great Discover and Explore classes that help you get immersed into the college life and help you get to know your new city. Chicago is an awesome place and it is fun to go and explore by yourself and with friends. Try to get involved a little bit, even though as a basketball manager you will be really busy. There are always things going on on campus! Last but not least make sure you find true friends. You are not going to get along with everyone, and you can not depend on everyone. Get a few close friends and stick with them. You will definitely need them, and they help make this rollercoaster life better :)
Search for the college that will help you with your needs, financially and educationally. Don't be afraid to check out the college's services that will be better for you in case you run into academic or financial trouble. Study hard, get those assignments in on time, participation is a must and do well on exams. In order to succeed effectively and efficiently, one must multitask in college to be leveled and balanced.
I would give myself to take more AP classes and take the AP exams also. Even though I did take honors and AP classes and recieve Psychology credit for getting a four on my exam, I would reccommend taking more. It may have seemed as if the AP exam were expensive, which they were. The money you will save in the long run by doing well on the exam makes it all worth while. Looking back at how much money I save my parents for my minor in Psychology by getting a four on that exam I skipped two introductory course. By skipping those two inductory courses I saved my parents thousand all for fifty dollars for a exam, which is amazing!
Be you, always. Don't focus so much on having a lot of friends, instead find the people who are real and stick with them. Follow your gut and work hard but dont over stress. Have fun!
If I knew what I know now in high school, I would have been more involved with my school, joined more clubs/after school programs, joined NHS. I would have went to college straight from high school, I would not have been afraid to change my life. There are so many things I would have done, could have done, should have done different; but I have also learned I cannot live in the past. Although there are regrets on what I "coulda, shoulda, woulda" did, I have been brought down this path for a reason, and I just have to keep on going--just like I did in high school.
A lot of people will be talking about it being okay to change your major, and that most college students do. My advice to you is, pick a school (liberal arts, business, or something else) and stay there. Take one year to decide what your major is. Once you pick one, stick with it! I've seen too many friends and even relatives waste so much time by switching their major too many times. However, this means that you need to know yourself. In college, you will learn about yourself, and at times you will be surprised. Learn to accept what you learn. I had a roommate that thought she was really open minded and gung ho about having new experiences. She slowly started to learn that she was miserable in all these new settings, but it was a struggle because she kept rejecting it. Learn to accept yourself!
The advice that I would give myself as if I was in high school now is to study as much as you can. Learn not t put your job before your school work no matter what. The professors will work with you one on one you just have to ask. Just have confident in your school work and that will shine through your work that you do. Study, study, study every single day take you books with you every single day because you never know when you will have that opportunity to study. Just stay focused; its hard work now but just push through it till the end because it will pay off. It’s not going to be easy but there are a lot of resources out there that will help you along the way. Theirs different labs for about every subject you can think of to help you along the way. Just study and focus and you will be outstanding.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, knowing what I know now about college life and making the transition, I would tell myself to take care of all preparations for college as quick as possible. If your college situation is taken care of early, there is less stress. You'll have time to relax and enjoy your senior year without extra pressure. You can apply for scholarships with ease, enjoy yourself, and focus on graduating. I would also tell myself to take you sport and education seriously, but not so serious that you forget what you're doing it for and why you enjoy it. Learn and gain experience while enjoying the ups and downs of the journey you're taking to get you there. Where you're going is not as important as the route you take to get there. Enjoy what you're doing and learn from it as well.