DePaul University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about DePaul University?


The food service and options. The people that work in the cafeterias do not care about anything, not even life itself. If they serve you poorly prepared food and you complain about it, they look at you with complete hatred and probably hope you choke on their abismal luke warm turkey sandwich.


I never had an issue with my financial aid until I moved off campus (my senior year). Then all of a sudden when I needed money, they never gave me clear options and I was calling different offices for days to figure out what I needed to do. Also my academic advisor was HORRIBLE. I saw her maybe a total of 4 times in my 4 years.


Advising! its the worst!!!


Off-campus affiliated housing is very expensive and usually does not meet students? expectations. On-campus housing is very limited and usually it only applies to freshmen and sophomores. The school has very diverse student population, but it is also very segregated regardless of its best efforts in promoting diversity in classes. Most of the students are commuters and the atmosphere of school spirit, socializing among students is weak.


The quarter system.