DePaul University Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


It is located in a big city so there are many more opportunities than there would be at most other universitites.


DePaul's location is my favorite thing about it. It has the Loop campus for commerce and commuter students, surrounded by big businesses--it's the perfect environment. The Lincoln Park campus is more for the on-campus, liberal arts students. The neighborhoods of Chicago are what make DePaul amazing. There are so many things to do, see, and learn about right outside your door; and you never know what new thing the city has to show you.




The best thing is that it gives me the opportunity to visit professors at office hours. I have time to go to professors when I need help, just in case I do not have time to meet up with a tutor.


The best thing about DePaul University is your ability to develop professionally, personally, and gain cross cultural competence. It was an honor to attend a school that was named after a man who was a socially responsible business leader who had the ability to advance the religious and social agenda of people in 17th Century France. By using the ambition and wisdom of St. Vincent DePaul as a model, we reflect on our own lives and purpose. The hands on training in the classroom, community initiatives, and experience enable you to emerge as a well-rounded leader.




The rare but present professors and students that are academically-focused and open-minded.


My school gives lots of choices with regards to career options. I like the location in that it is near family neighborhoods, students sharing apartments, restaurants, businesses, etc.


De Pauls diversity and teacher interaction.


Small classes