DeSales University Top Questions

What should every freshman at DeSales University know before they start?


If I were to go back in time the main point that I would stress to myself would be to take more Advanced Placement classes. By placing myself in more than the two AP classes that I took, I would have been more readily prepared for college. Hitting the books hard and being in college prep classes would have gave me a better idea about being college student and having an easier time with things such as: studying habits, time management, and note taking. With this suttle piece of encouragment and by actually putting this to use I would have been able to succeed more not only as a high school student, but would also carry the knowledge and the work ethics needed to survive in college. When taking AP courses a premium is put on classroom performance, and the goal is to challenge you as college would. So, by subjecting myself to a college based enviornment my transition into college would have been a much simpler task. As a high school senior I would hope that I would accept this piece of advice and take advantage of the opportunities that were placed infront of me.


School for me has been a very eye opening experience. I have been out of school for 15 years and deciding to go back was one of the most terrifying things I have ever done. It turns out that it was/is the best thing I could have done. Not only am I furthering my education and furthering my career, but I am showing my kids that it is so important to get a good education in order to suceed at whatever your passionate about. My field of choice is the medical field and although there is a lot to learn, it turns out that I am pretty good at it and am getting a 4.0. It just goes to show that it is never too late to go back to school and to be a good example to those who are thinking about going back to school. I have full confidence in myself that there is only one way to go from here....UP!!!


I went back to school to be able to get a better job so I can support my family. I have been at my current job for more than five years and relize its more of a dead end job than I knew. School has brought back hope for me, hope in being able to have a better quality of life to bring it to my family and my new family to come. The teachers even the other students help each other in any way they can becuase they dont want to see anyone fail. If a student starts to fall to trip over anthing everyone will help pick them back up and tell them "Dont you dare fall not while I'm here ." It really help me to know that everyone will help and do anything to see me succeed . If I dont attend then I will fail, that is the only way that the teacher and other students cant help me so it falls to me to keep going attend and see it through to graduate.


i have recieved knowledge and not only from classrooms but also from the people around me. desales university is a rgeat school and is producing many great people into the world. i have truely learned to be a better person.


If I could go back to my high-school senior self, I would tell her unequivocably not to become a theatre major and to, under no uncertain terms, go to DeSales University. I would tell her to listen to the doubts she had about theatre and think very hard about a recurring interest in her life (ancient cultures). I would tell her that there are indeed, valid career options in those fields no matter what anyone said and that she shouldn't let anyone dissuade her from following her passions and interests. I would tell her to be more diligent about finding outside scholarships. I would tell her that she will not be happy if she chooses to go the course that would make others happy, but not herself, because, due to money concerns, it will be incredibly difficult to get out to study what she truly wants to study. But I would also tell her to not give up hope and that if she works hard, she will find that if she wants it enough, she will be able to reach out and grab her passion and not give it up for anyone.


As a high school senior, it seemed I was getting all of the correct information about college. I thought college would be a fun way to meet new people, but more importantly, I would be working toward the goal of continuing my education in order to attain a good job. I learned I did not receive all the information about how difficult certain majors are compared to others. Additional information that would have been useful is more information about opportunities within college and financial aid. Also, guidance counselors should not ?sugar coat? the college experience. While some college experiences are fun, one must remember the main reason for attending college is to become educated in a field of your choice with the purpose of becoming a professional. Students need to remember to use time management skills if they want to succeed in an atmosphere of scholarly independence. From already surviving a year and a half at college in a difficult major, I believe that this information is extremely important for high school seniors to understand before attending the college of their choice.


I would tell myself to think about money more often. If I saved more money I wouldnt have to pay as much when I get out of school and I wouldnt be stressing about paying back my loans everyday. I would also tell myself to enjoy being carefree and irresponsable for one last year, because from here on out, its the real world. And last but not least, I would tell myself to enjoy using those free text books from the school, next year they are going to cost big bucks!


In high school, I felt that I was unable to act to my fullest potential, due to financial circumstances. My parents always worked, struggling to send me to school and even to have a home to live in. Everyone was always working, so I didn't have the chance to participate in all the extra-curricular activities I wanted to join. I was also forced to work 30 hours a week, on top of school, to help support my family and I. All this work and stress distracted me from school, undermining my abilities. Although I did well, I knew I could have done exceptional had I been more financially stable. Now that a few years have passed, we are doing better financially, but still somewhat struggling. I am able now to reach more of my full potential. I received a 4.0 during my first semester of college, but unfortunately, money troubles returned again. I was scared of not being able to even complete college, so my GPA unfortunately dropped to a 3.50. If I could do it over, I would have tried just as hard, but try not to stress as much over financial situations.


Dear 'Anxious, Excited and Unprepared' 17 year-old, Can you believe how fast time has flown? You are about to embark on a new journey that will take you to places you never would have imagined. My advice to you is merely TO BE. As DeSales's motto states, "Be who you are and be that well," embrace life and take every experience to the fullest. Never dwell on the future nor live in preoccupation with the future that has not come, live for the present moment. Don't forget to breathe, and to take a step back and remember what the big picture really is. Soak in the wonder of it all; never lose the innocent amazement of a child but don't be naive to the world around you. Follow your dreams, and soar above and beyond your potentials. Have faith. Live with no regrets, and love with no restraint, for in fact, the "journey is the destination." Sincerely, 'Growing, Maturing, and Learning One Step at a Time' young adult.


If you aren't 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} enjoying your college experience, it's time for a change. My freshman year I was a Business major but my heart was originally into tv film. After taking MicroEconomics, marketing, and management, I realized I wasn't enjoy my college experience. I switched to tv film my sophomore year and have been enjoying my classes and feel like I'm preparing myself for a career I'll enjoy. If you're going to college and only worrying about your social life and drinking, every school can fulfill that need. If you're serious about your education, make sure you go to a school that has courses that stress the major you want. The tv/film equipment at our school is far more advanced than the local cable companies have in our area, and the school always has new cutting edge equipment for us to test. Go on campus tours and over nights so you can experience campus life. Make sure you enjoy it, because it will most likely be where you're spending the next 4 years of your life.