Dickinson College Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


The best thing about Dickinson is its focus on sustainability and social progress. Everyone I know at school is a socially aware student and appreciates global perspectives. I think it is important for young people to be thinking about the future of our planet and the future of humanity. I feel honored to be attending a school with people who seek to make a genuine positive impact on the world.


I love my friends. I have met some of the best, most genuine people at Dickinson. I can't imagine life without them.


small classes. professors are engaging. academics is really great.


The best thing about my school is the cultural diversity among such a small student population. This is because contributions from diverse backgrounds can be heard by others more easily than in a larger school, where it may seem like you are one among many. Through listening to diverse beliefs and trains of thought, people can take from the best of each to efficiently gain a global academic understanding while not having to sacrifice any personal beliefs. Conversations with different people can be both academically and personally enriching, perhaps leading to a satisfying college experience.


The small classes


the atmosphere because everyone is very down to earth, and the size because it is rather small and easy to access professors


The best thing about Dickinson College was the variety for the size of the institution. I was able to experience everything that students at large state universities get, but with the personal attention and NO frustration because it was impersonal.


The profs--they care, they are brilliant.


I like that it is a small school. The professors know your name, know who you are, and what you do outside of class. You are able to learn a lot more in small classes. The school is also very environmentally friendly. There is also something for everyone at this school, and plenty of clubs which represent a wide variety of student interests. It is a great school.


Close proximity to Wal-Mart