You really need some kind of education beyond high school to make it in this world. Invest yourself now, take that chemistry class even though you don't need it for graduation now, it might make a difference later. Don't take that year off before you start college; it's too easy for life to get in the way and that year turns into 2, 5, or 10 years. If your not sure what you want to do, go anyway and start taking your generals and other classes that interest you; you will figure it out.
School is so much easier when your young, before your married and have children and all the financial burdens that come with life. Make yourself and your future a priority now, don't wait until you have all the other responsibilities to realize whatever security you thought you had could be gone with one small life change that you have no control over. You have to have a back up plan. Prepare yourself now when you can experience college to the fullest and allow yourself to be a part and enjoy what the experience has to offer.
Although I never got the chance to reach the senior level in high school I'll assume that I was a senior back in 2009. If I could give my senior self advice about college I would let her know that all the talk of college being hard and challenging is just talk. College will only feel challenging if you let it be that way. I'd also let her know that there's nothing to worry about except for school. As long as you keep track of your classes, plan out your free time and concentrate on all your courses, college will feel just like high school just a little different. Being in college is your right of passage into adulthood so be a mature adult about everything you do, say and think. Do not worry about what people think of you because your priority in college is to achieve as a student and to better yourself for your own future not theirs. Be sure to take advantage of all the benefits provided for you and get involved at school to make your whole college experience worth it.
If i could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior i would tell myself to work harder. To put in a little more work than what i was already putting in because i can always do better. Remind myself to start college right away. Unfortunetly i took some time off after i graduated high school and was working instead. I always feel like that was time wasted and i know i was smart enough to atleast have done both work and school. I would also say not to be intimidated by things people say or how difficult they make college work/life seem because anything is possible. I would prepare myself for tedious paper work and ask my counselour for all the advice i could get about getting started. Reassure myself that college has made me feel a more positive and productive person in a long time. Everything will be fine because i'm a very social, hard working and smart young woman. I just have to believe in myself.
If I could go back in time to talk to myself as a high school senior and knowing what I know now about college life and making the transition, the advice I would give myself would be to work even harder and not to slack of that last semester. Messing around my second semester was a huge mistake, I ended up doing bad in my algebra two class which I know I could have done a lot better if I worked at it. I could have pulled all my other class's grades up too instead of just being happy with B or a C.
Stick with college and earn your degree. Even if you choose to have kids, keep in school at least one class at a time. That way I wouldn't have been so afraid to go back to school to finish my degree. Learn great study habits, because you will need them!
I would tell myself that I should apply for many scholarships, because college is very expensive. I would also tell myself that I should study more than you do now. College is very difficult and the tests do not come close to what they are in highschool. I would tell myself that meet as many new people as you can because it will pay off in the end. Highschool does not seem important now, but it will help you out when college comes. I would tell myself to prepare for tests more and study harder for every test and do not stress out so much, but relax a little more. College will benefit you and you will meet new and interesting people. College life is an easier transition then it seems and do not stress about how tough it will be relax and college will be a better experience.
I would have to tell myself not to stress over college to much. College is a big deal but, stressing over it will only make the transition worse. Study hard, it will pay off in the end. Pay attention in class and keep my chin up. Don't listen to what others have to tell you it will only scare you off. Try your best and always believe in yourself.
Do not take everything you own. Dorm rooms are not that big so keep your packing to a minimum. Also don't worry so much, you will make awsome friends so quit stressing yourself out about college.
I have gotten out of college that nothing comes easy. I have to work extra hard, so i can get into graduate school. Graduate schools only accept the top students of the class, so i have to work hard to accomplish my goal. There are many people that are competing with me in getting into graduate school and having honors and Dickinson State University. It is valuable for me to attend college, so i can get a good job and do not have to worry about money issues when i am older. Many people go through life that did not go through college and have a tough time having money to pay fo the next meal. I do not want that, so i hope with a bachelors degree it improves my chances in life to have a good job. My parents had to work hard to support me and help me get into college and i hope with this degree i can help them out when they are older. Life is hard and i hope with a college degree life will not be as hard for me as it was for my parents.
I have not only began the journey to my future but I have learned alot about myself while at Dickinson State University. By being a small school you find friends, you in my case, bring out the best in me and encourage all my thoughts. They are there for me whenever I need them from late night study dates with the library (all most nightly) to social events on the weekends. They have helped me become a better person and I enjoy would I am because of the encouragement from the people here.
It is also nice to be walking down the sidewalk and you know 90{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the people by name, both staff and students. It makes learning easier if you know everyone on a personal name basis.