Dominican College of Blauvelt Top Questions

What should every freshman at Dominican College of Blauvelt know before they start?


I would tell myself organization and self control is key to a successful college career. There are to many opprotunities and too much freedom to mess up. Study efficiently because your college career is a vital point for future goals .


Out of my college experience, I have gotten a better understanding about my self, and know that what I have done and went to school for is what i want to continue doing. Attending a college was not at all as bad as I thought it would be. I made new friends, learned new strategic planning, and was able to find a great job working around the type of people I love working with. Because of the great experience I have had before, I plan on using this money if I win to go back to school, and further what I had started.


I've gotten the experience of meeting and socializing with new people, as well to learn about different lifestyles that I wasn't use too. With this, I've been able to step out of my comfort zone and get involved with many different events and clubs on campus.


Although I only go to a small college with a repute standing lower than most other schools, I have learned values that I would have never learned if I had not decided to continue my education after high school. For one, college is very flexible. Students make their own schedules and decide the importance of attending class. This has definitely caused a great deal of responsibility to grow in me and has caused me to take education very seriously. Education after high school is not just something that has to be done; it is something strived for and wanted. Secondly, college is expensive. Ever since I started paying for my own schooling, I can truly feel the struggle of earning money and paying for tuition. This has also shaped the grown adult in me as I work full time, making money solely for my needs instead of my wants. The third most valuable lesson I have learned is simply about me. College has shown me who exactly I want to become. College gave me visions about my future life and where I want to stand. College gave me options. It gave me the opportunity to make my dreams my reality.


I have gotten many things out of my college experience. Personally, I have grown as an individual, as college has provided me with ample opprtunities to extend myself intellectally and emotionally . Dorming my first year on campus expanded my social skills. In a program such as athletic training I was challenged constantly with time managment responsibilities and became a better priortizer. Meeting fellow classmates and professors has allowed me to interact and learn from people with various backgrounds. My volunteer work in clinics and educational institutions has expanded my personal impact on the community around me. Extracurricular activities allowed me to share my passions with those around me.


I would tell myself to set as many goals as possible and stop at nothing to realise them. Don't be intimidated or deterred by what others think, or what you think they think, about you and your dreams. The people that support you in your endeavours are fellow visionaries; they understand your struggles because they have somewhere they're trying to get as well. Those that criticise you are merely hitch hikers on the road to success.


The first advice I would give myself is to maintain a healthy sleeping pattern. Sleep Deprivation makes one tired and depressed and will have an influence on ones daily ability to learn and function. The next advice I would give myself is to pick a school that is instate because out of state schools are very expensive and right now I have outstanding loans and my goal is to go to law school and that is another great expense. It would of been more financially responsible for me to pick an instate school so I would not have to take much loans out and worry about how I will pay for my graduate studies. Also I would advise myself to be open and more understanding of people, because people are different and grow up in different environments so I should not expect to be treated the same as I am treated at home in my community because I will be in a new enviroment were I am a new face to others as well as I am a new face to them. Overall I will tell myself to be positive, take a look outside the box.


Just go with the flow and take things as they come. There is a lot of problems that will come your way, just take them with a grain of salt. There is no reason to stress and worry over every little thing, in the end everything works out just fine.


Be ready for the amount of work i will have to do. i need to learn how to be organized and keep a planer to be able to remember due dates. College is very different than High school in so many ways. it s easy to fail if you dont stay focus. Also learn how to be involve in school. being involve in College make life so much easier. there are a lot of things that you learn from being involve on campus that you would neve learn in a classroom. keep a open mind because you might meet a lot of people form different bacground. And also try to participate in a service project abroad or study abroad. Try to do you financial paper on time and know how much money you will get. Try to rent your books or buy used books, that will help you save money. you dont have to go drinking every night like everyone else. College is the real worldd, be ready for it. ENJOY your time in college.


If I could go back in time and talk to the high school senior version of myself, the advice I would give myself is never give up. College is different but it is a great experience. In high school teachers are constantly on top of you but in college you are an adult. College is very rewarding and you will meet long life friends but it is not all fun and games. Keep up with all your work and do your best because in the long run you will be very happy with the outcome.