Do not worry about what they think of you, but don't get self-righteous either. Yes, you are awesome, but you need to keep in mind that other people who do not share your views and opinions are also awesome. Of course you want to try to find a group of people who you feel you "fit in" with, but please, please, please don't spend all of your time worrying whether or not you have found that group yet or not! If you love the people around you, stop looking for other people just because you might find something better. On an academic note, job shadow. Job shadow the heck out of every career that pops into your mind and doesn't sound half bad, because otherwise you are going to spend your whole first three semesters stressing out about the Google results of "What to do with a ________ degree" and it will do you no good. Also, just remember that your salary is not going to determine your level of happiness, so stop Googling that. Most of all, have fun and learn how to love yourself and others!
I would tell myself to be patient and open to new experiences. College isn't going to be easy at first, especially if you don't know anyone. You have to be patient and trust that you will find your place and make friends. It will get easier! Being open to new activities and experiences will also help you find new things you like and make new friends. College sounds like a lot of fun, but don't be surprised if you find yourself lost and confused at times. It's OK, you will relax and figure it out. College is a time to make something of yourself! Be confident knowing that you are who you are and that you are loaded with a future of success!
One point I would make clear to my high school class is to take as many college credits as possible while still being in high school. I took a fair amount of college classes but I didn't challenge myself as much as I could have. Getting those credits in high school not only saves money, but it also would have helped me to pursue my major sooner. Instead of spending time in art or history classes, I could have been taking classes in my business degree and been working towards a triple major. I would also tell myself to be confident in my decisions. Showing confidence in any subject or are can make people believe in you, and that in turn can help you believe in yourself. College is an adventure, work hard in high school and enjoy the trip of a lifetime.
Breathe. Everything is going to be okay, that little test you had yesterday, it's okay that you got a B. Your friends here will always be your friends, at least that really matter and care about you. You guys will have late night skypes and phone calls that will let you laugh at memories. But remember, college is the time to make new memories. There's no point living in the past when you have such an exciting future ahead of you. Friends? Don't worry about those, there are so many friends waiting for you who are just as nervous and awkward about meeting people. They will love you, and you will love them Together you will all grow. You're independent now, but remember, sleeping until 2 pm won't get you A's. There is a lot of hard work ahead you, but trust me, it is nothing you can't handle. Every second you spend in the practice room, the library, the drawing room, your dorm lobby, it will all be paid off with high success. So take every moment you have and either laugh or work your hardest to achieve your full potential.
The advice I would give my high school senior self is to start aiming your focus because when I first got to college I was focused on being new. Trying to figure out my schedule, trying to make new friends, trying to adjustt o sharing a room with a complete stranger, I guess I was focused on the wrong things. I should have been focusing on how to interpret a syallbus or how to decode a message that the professor was giving us to warn us about pop quizzes. My focus wasn't where it was supposed to be and I had to learn that lesson the hard way.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a senior, I would tell myself to not take things for granted. I was one of those kids that never really had to study for a test. Of course, sometimes I would study for one, but it would never be more than an hour at most for a test. I took my learning for granted. I didnt' ever really look at the material outside of class either, unless it was to study for a test. This has led to a few problems in college, because professors expect you to spend most of your time on the subject outside class, as opposed to inside class. One other thing I took for granted in high school was my grades. Of course, I was really concerned with getting an "A", but I never really went out of my way to get that "A". I never got below a "B", but I never applied myself as much as I should have. If I had applied myself more, procrastinated less, I would be better prepared for college.
If I could go back in time, I would tell my senior self to try out for more scholarships. As a senior, I was swampped with homework and marching band the first semester. I had little tim to fill out applications for grants or scholarships. However, my second semester was so much easier. Most of my teachers were lenient by the time the second semester came around and I didn't have as much work to do. However, I was done with applications. I filled out so many applications and wrote so many essays that I was exhausted. I really didn't want to search for more scholarships because I was just done with the whole application process. I do regret this decision now since I really need the money in order to attend school. The idea that I am going to have to pay all of this money back is daunting and it scares me. Now that I am in college, I have even less time to fill out applications. I really wish that I had filled out those extra applications and I tried out for more competitions.
When I think back on my senior year of high school, nothing positive comes to mind. That’s not to say that there weren't good moments- there were- but they have been overshadowed by experiences that are best left forgotten. I could dive into details of deteriorating friendships and rumors, but it is easier to say what it resulted in- my loss of faith in people.
My advice to myself? Don’t lose it. You are about to walk onto a campus with genuine, motivated, likeminded people. They want you to succeed. They take pleasure in seeing you happy. They go out of their way to help you reach your goals, and are the first to congratulate you when you do. They know what it means to be a friend.
I know- it seems unlikely or surreal, but I ensure you that these people are one-of-a-kind, and YOU are one of them. You'll discover you have everything to be thankful for; your family, LOYAL friends, and the high school years that made you strong.
So, leave the memories and those people at your high school’s door; forgive, forget, and you'll have faith again.
Take a deep breath, you're going to make mistakes, but you're also going to learn from them. Everything you do is a learning experience, from doing laundry to studying new information. But do not let this overwhelm you, it will take time to get adjusted to living on your own. Just remember, you are not the only one going through this. Being the social butterfly you are is great, but remember to manage your time. Twenty-four hours in a day may seem like a long time, but once you calculate your nap, shower, meal times, and eight hours of sleep in there, it does not leave much. You do not have mom nagging you to get your homework done, so make sure you leave time in your day to study hard and efficiently.
Given the opportunity to go back in time I would tell myself a few things first, I would tell myself to learn how the manage time better. It took me about half way through my first semester to figure out how to use my time effectively. I found myself staying up doing homework instead of during the day. I am very active on campus as the SGA President, an honors student, a volunteer and a social media intern however I get easily distracted. Now I set specific time frames and days when I can use social media for personal purposes, read a book or nap and I schedule times for my homework. The second piece of advice I would give myself would be to plan better for the future. Unfortunately the first school I attended was too expensive so I came home to finish at community college. I am planning on transferring to get my four-year degree but I am unsure I can cover the cost. If I was wise I could have gotten more significant scholarships due to my accomplishments in school. Now, I find myself in a difficult situation trying to finance school on my own.