Drexel University Top Questions

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Drexel offers a great coop program where students are able to get good job expierence before graduating.


There seems to be more opportunities to stay and succeed.


What is uniquie about Drexel is its program. I have never seen another program like it, and find it to be a very great opportunity for students.


Co-op experience, Huge amount of diversity, availability of resources, proximity to center city Phialdelphia.


In the case of my major, I find the Film & Video program is extremely hands-on and has an excellent emphasis on working in the industry and professors with experience in the field. It's also one of the few film schools with good equipment that you can use right from your freshman year and the structure of the program across your four years is very well thought-out.


Drexel operates on a term schedule, which allows a student to take more courses and receive a more well-rounded transcript.


It offers a Cooperative Program.


Drexel University offers the "co-op" experience. Which allows students to take a break from rigorous studying for 6 months and work full time at a job that gives them a taste of their field. It's a great opportunity and because of it most students stay at those jobs and earn money throughout the academic quarters.


Drexel University has a high success rate for their nursing program. They report a hundred percent success rate on the HESI examination for there nursing students. They do CO-OP which are 6 month externships to get you introduced into the field. Also they have quarter semesters rather than two semesters. They have a hundred percent success rate on the HESI for graduating nursing students because if you dont pass you get a health admistrator degree instead of a nursing degree. Also, the six month externships cost students about $20,000 each even though you don't attend classes.


Co-op program is excellent. Great academics. Challenging, world-class university, internationally renowned and recognized.