Duquesne is diverse, students from many different backgrounds and locations.
Students here are hard-working, friendly and amazing! They treat me as their friends, and they also respect me.
classmates at Duquesne are willing to go the extra mile in order to share their notes with you if you miss a day, pick you up when your down, and band together to fight for what is right.
My classmates are dedicated to their studies and their faith while still maintaing a fun and positive attitude.
I get along with all of my classmates and we provide support for each other; however, their are definite cliques and people tend to hang out with their friends only.
They were wonderful, hardworking and cooperating with one another.
They are arrogant, self absorbed, rude, and more concerned about their looks than anything else.
My classmates in my major are a very small, close-knit group, from very diverse backgrounds. We tend to be a little "strange", since we're music majors, but that just makes it easier to be creative, learn a lot, and have fun!
Most of my classmates do not seem to want to be in class or care about their education.
Confident, determnined individuals.
Eager to learn and inquisitive
My classmates are determined and hardworking.
My classmates were very very intelligent people with coherent and interesting opinions. Most all of my classmates were vocal in their opinions and beliefs which lead to a more interesting class. And rather than being pretentious as one would expect them to be, all of my classmates were well rounded, personable, and "real" people.
My classmates are outgoing, energetic individuals with large amounts of drive and ambition.
Many of my classmates are fun and outgoing people who I enjoy being around.
The people I go to school with are very nice and goal-oriented. They are willing to help if needed. They are not all the same race or religion as I, but we get along in the environment that Duquesne provides to us.
I feel bad saying this, but most of them are egotistical conservatives who come from a background of money - something I do not have which is why I can hardly pay for school.
They are all very similar to eachother. They seem to be from upper middle to richer white families. Alot of them play sports like football or soccer. They are nice but it seems as though they are scared of people unlike themselves. Rather than ask questions so that they are informed and know more, they seem to shy away from the unknown, even from myself at times.
Most of the students are white and catholic, i think, but it really makes no difference. being asian wasn't ever a problem. I really felt that I was a minority though, being from california. if anything, i stood out from the crowd at duquesne because i was asian.
Duquesne is not wildly diverse. There are many Catholics, and not many different races or religions. Duquesne is more politically conservative than I would say other universities. Many students dress up everyday, and it is often regarded as a fashion show. If you are not in a clique, forget it. People are not open to new friends. Most students are from Pittsbugh or Cleveland, and many students come to Duquesne with their high school friends. Most are upper middle class or wealthy.