Duquesne University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Duquesne University? Why?


The thing that I consider worst at my school is the lack of passion the students feel about their chosen subjects. I say this because the majority of them only care about the "grade" not the subject. I find this both lazy and depressing.


parking - there isn't any


conservative, not enough diversity, stuck-up


The cost of education is overwhelming and the amount of financial aid does not meet my need.


The administration focuses on the outside appearance of the University while focusing much too little on student needs. The spent millions to make the library look pretty, but it has no books before the 90s. They power-washed one of the dorms ($100,000), but the elevators in the largest dorm never work, and students aren't allowed to take the stairs. Instead of buying more servers for the Internet to make it faster, they placed a spam filter on e-mail that filters out almost everything.


The expense...little/no help from government. Most family's here don't even have to take out loans which is frustrating


the living situation. The dorms aren't vey big, there are often cockroaches, and the eloevators are constantly broken.


The campus parking is bad. Therea are very few spaces to park, and is too much anyhow. Also, the fact that we can't use our flex money on different off campus restaurants like Pitt students can do. Lastly, the dorms are terrible need updated, and are cramming students and running out of on campus housing fast. The internet speed is not good if you need to download or stream cast anything for class due to the band length.


The worst thing about my school would be the parking!


Duquesne University is an extremely good school; however, the dorms and cafeterias could use some updating. The dorms are getting very outdated, and the food served in the cafeteria is definitely not the best. Also, faster internet and more computer labs on campus would be very convenient.