Choosing a correct college is vital to a student's happiness and success. I wish I could redo my freshman year for many reasons, beginning with researching the school a little more. I only visited when the campus was empty, and never got to speak directly with the current students. When getting to college, don't limit yourself to certain friends, activities, etc. Become involved! Look into extracurriculars. They're a fun way to meet different kinds of people, besides sticking to the girls on your floor or your boyfriend. It's best to have a wide array of friends that suit all of your interests. Also, seeking employment is always a positive thing, but wait until you're ready. College isn't the same as high school; the workload is a LOT more extreme. Give your classes a few weeks and establish a routine before deciding to add a job into the mix. Every college has a lot to offer, so take advantage of the opportunities! Get out there, meet people, learn new things, and HAVE FUN!
I would advice parents and students to visit the college and talk with students that attend the school. Do not choose a school based on its name but because you feel comfortable there. Make sure it has the program you wish to study and if there's a chance you may change your mind it has otherprograms you are interested in. Once at school it is important to become involved on campus. It helps you meet new people and makes campus feel more like home.
Take the cost into consideration strongly
The best advice I could give to potential students and parents of these students is to take your time and review all your options. The biggest mistake I have seen friends make is that they become set on a certain school and block out other avenues that could interest them. Even though you may think what type of school you want to be at, the best thing you can do is look at all different sizes, locations, public or private and then by visiting each kind you will have a better understanding or where you can see yourself. Start by visiting one college, then after you visit your second, compare the two and pick one you believe is a better fit for you. Then when you take a look at a third you only have to compare it to one instead of two. Also, make sure you apply to about 5 or 6 schools including a safety that you know you could get in to and a reach school to make sure you have options when you get your letters back.
I would recommend visiting all schools (if possible) that you are concidering attending. Talking with current students that attend each college is also incredibly helpful. You are able to get the students perspective on the college and not the faculty who do not usually live on campus.
Choose a school that fits you academically, finacially and socially!
go there in the winter as well as in the summer
ask current students and alumni for their opinion. look around at three or four.
When chosing a college, I believe it is important to take the time and visit each campus in order to experience what each college has to offer. When attending college it can be beneficial to inquire about dual degree programs to get the most out of your college tuition.
The college application and acceptance process is a big event in the lives of students. It is said that you go to college to make something out of your life and skills. But college is much more than just that; it is not your future, but rather the springboard to your future; it is not the place where you become something, but rather someone. Colleges and universities are academic institutions, but the academic aspect is only half of the experience. College is a place where people learn more about themselves than at any other point in their lives. Through academic studies, successes and failures, new social situations and experiences, extracurricular activities and volunteering, life in a fraternity or sorority, college shapes people through and through. Those four years are commonly reffered to as "the best four years of your life," but the most important year by far is freshman year. It is important to find a school where you feel you can easily adjust and acclimate to the college experience and lifestyle. But most importantly, the thing to keep in mind is that college is like a machine; the more work you put into it, the more you get out!