Duquesne University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


What I wanted to major in so I could have had more time taking classes that would further my knowledge in that field as a freshman.


The school sent home a lot of information about the school before the school-year began and what was to be expected, so I would have to say there is nothing I wish I could have known.


Not too much happens on campus. When students need something to do, they ALWAYS leave to go to a nearby university or out into the city. It's also a dry campus because it's strongly religious, with VERY strict residence life policies concerning visiting.


How expensive it actually is, and how little money the government gives to help out


More financial aid opportunities


I wish I had known what area I wanted to focus my studies in. I bounced from liberal arts school to the business school and then back to the lberal arts school. If it hadn't been for the help of the academic advisor office I would have had to take summer classes (which I didn't have to ) and would have not been able to graduate on time- which I was successful in doing.


I wish I was more assertive. Not so shy. I wish I had made more friends at school.


The only extra-curricular activities that do anything are fraternities and sororities. If you have interests outside of community service or your major, you won't be able to continue them at Duquesne. If your interest does have an organization on campus, it's very difficult to get into. They are mostly very cliquey and political.


That the Internet wasn't as good as the y bragged about. That the student to teacher ratio can be misleading in some classes.


That the financial aid package I actually received wasn't exactly as much as they originally estimated/promised.