D’Youville College Top Questions

Describe your favorite campus traditions.


My school is best known for being one of the best colleges in the area. Its after graduation job acceptance rates are all extremely high and they are known for giving some of the best education to those in the health related fields.


The health care related degrees they offer, especially nursing. Also that they are a small, community based college.


D'Youville College is known for their small class sizes and excellent education. The students and professors are extremely friendly and everyone is very helpful. The goal of the college is to educate for life, and through their excellent education, they are making that a reality.


This school is best known for health related majors. They have a high retention rate of students in these majors and a high job placement rate. If a student graduates from this college with a degree in a health-related major, they are very likely to receive a job offer in the surrounding area.


Medical professions, small classrooms, personalized attention.


D'youville college is best known for it's health programs. It has an excellent nursing school that has been available for almost 100 years. As well, they have degrees in Pharmacy, Occupational and Physical therapy, Physician Assistant, and pre-medical and pre-dental majors.


My school is best known for having one of the best programs in the state of New York.


D'Youville I think is best know for its Nursing program and being a good school to attend. Also known for being a much smaller school than other campuses in the surrounding area.


Dyouville college is well known by its private, coeducational college, and by its independent management with a Roman Catholic tradition. Most of the time several people know Dyouville because of its location which is situated at a few blocks from the international Peace Bridge and its best known for its foundation as well. D'Youville College was founded by the Grey Nuns , and named for Saint Marie-Marguerite d'Youville. In addition to that the college has best known for by its health care programs in health care such as the to teach children about general health.


My school is best known for its involvement in the surrounding community. D'Youville is involved in many activities outside of school. For example in the Spring of 2010, my school cleaned up the neighborhood and helped out in Habitat for Humanity in the Buffalo neighborhood.