D’Youville College Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about D’Youville College? Why?


I would consider it too small. There aren't very many resources available to students on campus, for instance study abroad. The library is small and not very accommodating for the amount of students, especially considering how challenging many of the classes are. There are only two residence halls and two eating areas, and parking can often be an issue.


This school is highly commuter students based, which makes meeting people, and staying friends with people hard, because unless you have classes with people, there is no guarentee that you will continue seeing people in later semesters. My closest friends are dormers, but I do have commuter friends, but they aren't as close because they tend to come and go with the semesters. But I'm sure if you put in the effort, you can become friends and stay friends with whoever you wish to.


Considering I have only completed one semester at DYC as of now, I don't have much to complain about. Only one thing annoyed me the most, which was how the scheduling process was done. Freshman are the last to register for classes, and class sizes are small, therefore classes fill up quickly. DYC does not anticapate how many people will be taking each class and does not make enough open, then decides weather or to open more classes after the fact. Needless to say, people stress about their schedule for about three weeks till they are finally set.


The thing that I consider to be the worst about my school is the parking situation. The parking lot size is limited and if you don't arrive early it can take you a while to find a spot. It is possible to find off campus parking but for half of the year the weather is very uncooperative.


The tuition! The school is absolutely wonderful, but you do get what you pay for!


The worst thing about D'Youville /college, in my opinion would have to be the Financial Aid offices. Even after four years of constantly recieving the same aid package they still find some way to manage to rip me off a couple hundred dollars. I'm not one of those people whose parents just throws me money when I bat my eyelashes, so the tardiness and inconsistency of D'Youville's financial aid has often caused me alot of stress and has put me in several stressful situations, due to my lack of money.


The worst thing about my school is definitly the dorms that they have for freshmen and sophomores. They are really small and very old. It has been a long time since they have been rebuilt and are in extreme need of a fixing. Almost everday the elevators break and so it is a bit difficult when attepting to get to the 12th floor. Also, there have been several instances where the fire alarm has gone off at 3 am or 5am when a lot of people have class that day at 8 am. Very Inconvenient!


Because the school is mostly students that major in a health profession, there is not much to eat on campus. Most of the things offered are healthy snacks only. It is nice that the school cares about our health but it is hard to find something to eat other than a salad, which is already pre-made with things that I do not like. Because I am a picky eater I usually have to pack a lunch if I am at school for a full day because the options are very limited when it comes to eating at school.


The worst thing about D'Youville College is the location. The location of the college is in a very poor and high crime area.


The worst thing about my school personally is the location. I love Buffalo and have lived here my whole life. However, living downtown in the city area is not the first location I would have chose for my college education. Thankfully it has not been an obstacle in reaching any goals I have at my school to reach my education goals for the future.