The most frustrating thing about D'Youville College is the class selection is limited at times. When choosing your schedule, it is hard to get all the classes one wants or needs for their major.
In my Anatomy & Phyisology class I had a very difficult teacher while some students had a much easier teacher. I don't mean to sound whiny but I studied approximately 15-20 hours for each test and the tests were still extremely difficult while the other teacher's tests were much less difficult. I know this because most students received an A in that class and the average in mine was a C. I don't feel that it should be allowed for there to be such a different level of difficulty between two teachers teaching the same exact class.
The cost is very expensive. I pay over $20,000 a year for tuition and then have tp pay $400-$700 per semester for books; books that are for core requirements or pre-requisites. I'm sure I will pay twice as much for my medical books. There is also a $60 fee annually for parking . Unfortunately, the parking lots are 2-3 blocks away and it is terrible walking in the winter and snow.
Parking. D'Youville recently added another buidling, thereby taking over a large parking lot. This has made it much more difficult to get parking on campus.
The social dynamics of campus are not that all exciting unless you enjoy hanging out with small groups of people.
Nothing realy, just wish the Buffalo city transportation system was a little better.
The professors not having enough office hours to accomodate my work schedule. I go straight from school to work everyday and my days are packed....I have almost no time to myself unless its after midnight.
The humanity courses seem to be slim, which can impede a student from obtaining their degree on time. For example, humanities are core courses that include literature, fine arts, foreign language, philosphy, and religion. A student is required to enroll in 3 out of the 5 areas, and sometimes they may interfere with more important classes. Furthermore, why a fine arts class comes before a math or history class is beyond me! It really restricts me from taking courses when I would like, thus keeping me from obtaining my degree at a convenient time.
Some of the professor's do not seem to care about the students and are only there for the money.
The only thing that frustrates me the most is the way that we the student get blown off by financial aid.