D’Youville College Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


How socioable this school was.




I wish I would have known how great it was, because I wouldn't have even bothered to apply any where else.


I wish I had known more about the festivals and the different cultural events held year round in the city and in the suburbs. They bring people together and it offers me the opportunity to expand culturally.


I wish I had known how bad the parking situation was. If you take early classes it isn't that big of an issue, but if you have classes starting after 10am, finding a spot in one of the campus lots or even near campus can be a challenge for sure.


how much debt i would be by the end of it.


That I would be mainly attending class every day of the week.


Nothing. I felt really prepared, my orientation was great and very informative.


Before I came to D'Youville, I wish I would have known how intense some of the course work would be! I knew college was going to be a challenge in and of itself, but D'Youville makes me try extra hard to be the best student I can be. I had no idea how academically difficult it would be to become a nurse. In retrospect though, even though I didnt know how hard it would be, it wouldnt have changed my mind. I am right where I want to be. I will make a difference in someone's life!


D'Youville College is a fantastic academic setting for a prospective student who has a strong grasp on the type of career that they would like to turn into a lifetime of work. I only wish that I knew the field of study I could see myself involved in as an adult, because had I known that, I would have made several different choices about my education as well as my life. I can not complain though, I've met some of the most interesting and genuine people at D'Youville.