D’Youville College Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


The school is very friendly to new students, I felt very welcomed when I began my first semester at the college. I like that the school is smaller than most schools so the classes are all in one building and are all near each other. I also like that the classes are also smaller, around 25-30 students so there is always available time to meet with the teacher before or after classes without making appointments with the professors. Overall I have had a great friendly experience at the school.


The best thing about my school is that the classroom sizes are small and allow for the students to be more involoved and get individualized attention from the professors. This school is also helpful with students who need help from a professional. The student center allows student to sign up with a tutor, who is usually also a teacher, if help is needed.


That the small class sizes help when you want to espablish an academic relationship with your professor.


My school is small and everyone and everything is very accessible.


I liked the ability of all my classes to me in one building the majority of the time, so in the winter and rain I wouldn't have to go outside. It's a small campus and you get to know most people in your major graduating class.


That the teachers are there for you if you are haveing aa tough time they will help you out the best they can


small size because its not overwhelming


That people are welcoming and friendly


The size. The school is considered to be on the small size but I think it is perfect.