East Carolina University Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about East Carolina University!


It's nearly perfect. That is in sight, East Carolina is a University to keep and eye on.


East Carolina University offers so many majors and opportunities. We offer one of the best medical schools, in Brody Medical school, as well as one of the best teaching programs. Also, libral arts is a major part of our university . I know that East Carolina can offer me the best education for whatever I choose to do.


We have that southern hospitality. Everyone says hi to each other, whether they know each other or not. Janitors, school administrators, even food service staff will wish students good luck on their final exams. Everyone knows everybody, the campus is a tight-knit community. We have prayer boxes on campus, fundraisers, and community service events. The schools works really hard to get kids involved and bring entertainment to campus.


East Carolina is located right near a hospital where I can either intern at or get a job after I graduate. ECU is really big on health professions so I know I will have a good chance at getting my dream job.