After experiencing the college selection process, the best advice I could to someone is making sure your major or a major you seem somewhat interested on is being offered at the school. The worst thing you can do is go to a school and later learning that you are interested in nothing that is being offered. Also, the environment of the school and its location is important as well. If you are not a city person then going to school in the city might be a little challenging due to the noise level. The most important thing is to make sure when visiting the campus that you truely feel comfortable and are satisfied with your decision. Going somewhere you don't want to go can definetly take a toll on you in your school work and social life. So go with your instincts, if you feel some kind of connection, then you'll know what to do.
For parents, provide guidance, but be supportive. When your child(ren) know that you are supportive, no matter what choice they make, it will put them at ease and help make their college decision much easier.
Visit alot of schools and dont just go somewhere because your friends are, be able to take in new things and make new friends.
Make sure they stay on top of their advisors!
When I arrived for the visit at East Stroudsburg University, the feeling I got when I arrived was "this is where I belong." It'll come to you, promise.
The college experience is about finding out who you are as a person, and who you want to be going forward. As academics play a huge part in your future and securing a great job, there are many other factors that should be considered as well when choosing a college.
A school that challenges you academically will open your mind and introduce you to new areas of study, introducing a new array of interests that you can explore outside of school.
The social and physical landscapes also play a huge role in your happiness while exploring your inner self at college. You must choose a school with a campus whose layout you can appreciate, and whose location allows you to engage in activities you find mentally and physically stimulating, whether that be professional sports games, hiking, city exploring, or art and theatre. The campus must also have social clubs that you would be interested in. It is also important that the school must be somewhere you would feel comfortable, including the choice of housing, dining, and study lounges.
It is most important that you choose a school where you feel you can be your self, but leaves room for growth.
Choose your major wisely. Look at all the college has to offer, i.e. financial aid, cost. etc.
First, figure out if they would like to go to a big college or a small one... one can figure that out by comparing the size of their school or town, and determining if they're happy with the population or if they wish it was smaller or bigger. Next would have to be using the career resources at their high school to at least get an idea on what they'd like to do as a career, and finding colleges that support and focus on similar degrees. Upon selecting a variety of colleges, the parents and students should go and take a tour of the colleges they are interested in, and take a look at what the campus does to enhance one's chances of getting a job after college, be it holding job fairs or requiring internships: that eliminates some possibility of not getting a job in your field after college. Finally, they should also talk to the college students currently enrolled... but not just the 'tour guides' that assist them when they go. While they are very helpful, usually a specific type of student will be a tour guide, and may not represent the college population.
Look around at lots of schools. do not just apply to one and go there
Take a campus tour first and check out the classroom sizes.