There are so many organizations on campus that are tailored just for the individual student. If it is special interest groups such as skydiving, we have it. If you want major specific organization such as STEA or Communicology Student Association, we have it too. If you want religious organization such as The Well, CRU, and Muslim Student Association, we have them too. There are consistently lectures and speakers on campus weekly who discuss a variety of topics. Some interesting lectures have come to campus. One of the greatest ways that students meet their friends is through Preview the week before classes start or through their major/minor classes and in the residence halls. Fraternities and sororities are important, but they do not take over the school like other college campuses. Johnson City is large so students can find themselves, eat at the many restaurants, shopping at the mall or other stores, seeing a movie, or taking part in outdoor activities. We are a dry campus partying doesn't happen much on campus.
There are so many organizations on campus that are tailored just for the individual student. If it is special interest groups such as skydiving, we have it. If you want major specific organization such as STEA or Communicology Student Association, we have it too. If you want religious organization such as The Well, CRU, and Muslim Student Association, we have them too. There are consistently lectures and speakers on campus weekly who discuss a variety of topics. Some interesting lectures have come to campus. One of the greatest ways that students meet their friends is through Preview the week before classes start or through their major/minor classes and in the residence halls. Fraternities and sororities are important, but they do not take over the school like other college campuses. Johnson City is large so students can find themselves, eat at the many restaurants, shopping at the mall or other stores, seeing a movie, or taking part in outdoor activities. We are a dry campus partying doesn't happen much on campus.
While we do have the usual sororities and fraternities, there are also over 200 clubs and organizations at ETSU. Intermurals are pretty popular with every sport from flag-football to ping-pong to innertube water polo. There are a couple of different outdoor activity groups that organize hiking, camping, backpacking, kayaking, caving, scuba, rock-climbing, and skiing/snowboarding trips. Because ETSU is located next door to the Cherokee National Forest and the Blue Ridge mountains with the appalachina trail, outdoor opporunities abound whether or not you join an organization. The student gym rents outdoor equipment by the night or week so you can go adventuring whenever you want wherever you want without having to purchase your own gear. We also have a large ultimate frisbee club and a disc golf club that is beginning to grow. We are getting a disc golf course on campus next semester. For those less into outdoor activities, we have a student group called Buctainment that organizes movie nights, shows by comedians and hypnotists, and entertaining lectures. Our SGA also organizes a concert each semester involving a big name musician or group such as Maroon five, One Republic, Jordan Sparks, Carie Underwood, etc. There are also plenty of honor societies and service organizations that allow for participation in volunteer activities to help those less fortunate in the community. There are many five-k's, road races, tri-athlon, and cycling races held in the area throughout the year.