Eastern Connecticut State University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Eastern Connecticut State University? Why?


The academic advisors are the worst thing about the school. They are not trained in advising and if there is something complicated about your situation like being a transfer student they are not much help. But the school makes you get a code from them before registering for classes.


The worst thing about my school is the academic advisors. They are not taught on what they are suppose to do and what they're advisees must accomplish in order to graduate on time. Some advisors cause students to stay longer than 4 years which is unnacceptable. The next is parking. A lot of students commute to ECSU but they do not provide ample parking for the students.


The fact that there is not enough information about interships easily available to the students. Not enough activities that prepare the students after they graduate from school. So they can take life by the horns and be able to face anything that come thier way. To give students information regarding options related to money so that they will have multiple streams of income instead of just one. Stuff like that, also life skills such as people related that enchance the persons personality and character. That really grows the individual