Eastern Florida State College Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Eastern Florida State College? Why?


The worst thing about my school is that all schools are not like it. Universities are big, cost a lot of money, and are very impersonal when it comes to the teaching methods. I can't imagine what could be worse than being able to go to school in my own community, as I develope close and beneficial ties with those right here, who can help me succeed. There's also nothing worse than having class sizes so small that one can go and get help during their office hours or after class.


At first there was nothing that bothered me I went there for years becasue of dual enrollment but now it seems to be an extension of high school for the slacker students who 's parents make them go to college


The worst thing about my school is the low diversed culture there. It can make one feel somewhat uncomfortable in the environment.


Honestly, I don't have any complaints about BCC. I have earned 3 degrees from them and transfer to UCF in Spring 2010.