Dual enroll as much as possible, get a job, and save money.
Instead of paying attention during my senior year of high school I focused on hanging out with my friends and having fun. Because I wasn't focused on my studies my senior year GPA dropped, I did horrible on my SAT's and I didn't get into the college I wanted to. Since then I have worked so hard just to do well in college to make up for the mistakes I made years before. Had I known that all I had to do was pay attention during my last year of high school, I could have already had my major completed by now. If I could tell my old self what I know now I would say "Senioritis may have lasted a few months, but the juvenile descisions I made during those months will carry on for the rest of my life."
If I could go back and talk to myself as a highschool senior I would suggest to myself that I should take dual enrollment classes. School is very expensive but also I could save time and money by doing dual enrollment.
If I went back to my senior self I wouldn't say much. I think it would go something like this:
"Hey Dianna, you haven't met me yet but you will in 2 years. You're doing a great job in high school but college is a little different. Now is a good time to start developing good study habits, because those will help a lot. Don't worry about going straight to a four year University because it's not all its cracked up to be. BCC is an awesome place to go with very helpful teachers and really good classes to take. I've gotten many compliments from the high school teachers you have now about our choice to go to BCC. It's worth it. Also don't forget about all of your friends or ignore them because they moved away to go to Universities. You'll need them sooner or later"
I would've liked to hear that when I was a senior. It would've been helpful because I was really down about going to a community college.
I am only eighteen years old and I was a high school senior eight months ago. Still, I realize the one thing I should have done differently in high school.
"Do not be afraid former self!"
The only reason I am attending BCC is because I am afraid of things I do not know. At BCC I know people and what the campus looks like, basically I am taking the easy way out. I regret this because my friends that went off to a university have had nothing bad to say about college. I wish I could have joined them because the college freshman year is when everybody makes new friends. Perhaps right now, I could have met great new friends.
I wish I could have told myself to get out there! To not be afraid of what life really has in store for me! Honestly, how can I go through life, if I am afraid of what it might bring? I needed to tell myself that I have to grow up sometime and starting this journey of life may not be easy, but if the journey is easy, it isn't a journey is it?
If I could got back in time to when I was a senior in high school, I would first kick myself in the butt. This is how I'd go about it: That phrase, "If I only knew then what I know now," haunts me everyday. Here I am, 29-years-old, a single full-time dad, and I'm currently laid off from work. It sure would have been great for that high school senior to have gotten his act together and gone to college. The transition to college is difficult at first, but you get used to it once a routine forms. Setting a schedule for studying is important. Ignoring all distractions, such as going out with friends, is one of those most important things you can do. Remember that you are going to school to better yourself, not to have fun. You want those good grades and you do not want to repeat classes because you slacked off last semester. The sooner you get through the classes, the sooner you can enjoy the rest of your life and have fun with less worries! Or you could be 29 with no job.
I would tell myself to not take high school so lightly. You may want to seem cool now, but you will probably never see half of those people again. Stay focused on your grades so you can get proper funding for a great education. After all, college is not cheap!
If I, as a college student, could go back in time & talk to myself as a high school with the knowledge now I would tell myself two things; The 1st is that you are allowed to take online classes, even with an already full schedule, whether it is through the college or school itself, and get a jumpstart on college; The 2nd would be, is that summer classes are not as hard as everyone makes it out to be & that they can be fun plus you might retain more knowledge from those classes. The reason for that is the scheduling of the classes (example, a three credit hour class will meet Monday- Friday for around an hour each day with homework assigned each day). If I had known that back then I would have used this information & definitely get a head start on my college career & taken those some of those classes so that I would not have to stress myself out over taking so many at once cramming all my classes into one semester. Since the information I have is now useless to me I now recommend this to my younger family members who want to go to college.
The best advice I could give myself is to not get demoralized. Don't think that you can't do what other people can. I would tell myself that you shouldn't underestimate your potential because if you work hard enough you can accomplish anything. People who've done great things tend to seem as if they were a race apart. I f I were back in high school I'd remind myself that my first priority is to learn what the options are. So many people pressure you to know what you want to do with your life that you think you're suppost to have an answer. I learned that people ask this mainly as a conversation starter. They want to know what sort of person you are so don't become intimidated and make rash decisions. I would remind myself that I don't need to be in a rush to choose my life's work. What I need to do is discover what I like and build a foundation off that.
I would go back in time and talk to myself about SAT and ACT testing. I know back in high school as a senior I could have made more of an effort to take any or each of those tests at an earlier date. Giving myself more time to take those tests I could of had a better chance of getting better scores on each test. The perfect advice would be to buckle down, get serious, and sign up for each test at an early time in the year. By doing that I would have been able to re-take each test to receive a higher score. I would perform self-talk by informing myself that these tests are stressful, but I can and will get through each of them. Those would be the best advice strategies I would have for myself if I could go back in time.