Eastern Idaho Technical College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Eastern Idaho Technical College know before they start?


I would advise myself to try getting at least a part-time job during my senior year that way I could have more money saved up to help pay for college. I would also tell myself to work more on time management issues that I have been working on dealing with the past year. Lastly, I would have told myself to apply for colleges earlier and for scholarships before starting college.


I would advise myself not to worry. To have faith in myself that I can get through college. I worry alot, aobut money, friends, etc. So my main advise would be not to worry. People are different and learn at their own pace. I'm now confident that I can make things work, with help. I would also tell myself to start/keep looking for scholarships early and more often. Things may have gone smoother. It's nice when you don't have to worry about those things.